(explanation of the fields in the Manifest Table below)
Software Name | The name of the application or file |
Version | Version of the application or file |
License Type | Type of license(s) under which TI will be providing software to the licensee (e.g. BSD-3-Clause, GPL-2.0, TI TSPA License, TI Commercial License). The license could be under Commercial terms or Open Source. See Open Source Reference License Disclaimer in the Disclaimers Section. Whenever possible, TI will use an SPDX Short Identifier for an Open Source License. TI Commercial license terms are not usually included in the manifest and are conveyed through a variety of means such as a clickwrap license upon install, a signed license agreement and so forth. |
Location | The directory name and path on the media or a specific file where the Software is located. Typically fully qualified path names are not used and instead the relevant top level directory of the application is given. A notation often used in the manifests is [as installed]/directory/*. Note that the asterisk implies that all files under that directory are licensed as the License Type field denotes. Any exceptions to this will generally be denoted as [as installed]/directory/* except as noted below which means as shown in subsequent rows of the manifest. |
Delivered As | This field will either be “Source”, “Binary” or “Source and Binary” and is the primary form the content of the Software is delivered in. If the Software is delivered in an archive format, this field applies to the contents of the archive. If the word Limited is used with Source, as in “Limited Source” or “Limited Source and Binary” then only portions of the Source for the application are provided. |
Modified by TI | This field will either be “Yes” or “No”. A “Yes” means TI has made changes to the Software. A “No” means TI has not made any changes. Note: This field is not applicable for Software “Obtained from” TI. |
Obtained from | This field specifies from where or from whom TI obtained the Software. It may be a URL to an Open Source site, a 3rd party licensor, or TI. See Links Disclaimer in the Disclaimers Section. |
Any use of ECCNs listed in the Manifest is at the user’s risk and without recourse to TI. Your company, as the exporter of record, is responsible for determining the correct classification of any item at the time of export. Any export classification by TI of Software is for TI’s internal use only and shall not be construed as a representation or warranty regarding the proper export classification for such Software or whether an export license or other documentation is required for exporting such Software
Any links appearing on this Manifest (for example in the “Obtained from” field) were verified at the time the Manifest was created. TI makes no guarantee that any listed links will remain active in the future.
Your company is responsible for confirming the applicable license terms for any open source Software listed in this Manifest that was not “Obtained from” TI. Any open source license specified in this Manifest for Software that was not “Obtained from” TI is for TI’s internal use only and shall not be construed as a representation or warranty regarding the proper open source license terms for such Software.
ECCN for Software included in this release:
Publicly AvailableSoftware Name | Version | License Type | Delivered As | Modified by TI | ||
arm-benchmarks-src | 1.3-r13.193 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | arm-benchmarks-src_1.3-r13.193_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | arm-benchmarks_1.3.bb | |||||
cryptodev-module-src | 1.12-r0.arago0.434 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | cryptodev-module-src_1.12-r0.arago0.434_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | cryptodev-module_1.12.bb | |||||
glibc-locale-en-gb | 2.35-r0.47 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | glibc-locale-en-gb_2.35-r0.47_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | glibc-locale_2.35.bb | |||||
ldconfig | 2.35-r0.53 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | ldconfig_2.35-r0.53_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | glibc_2.35.bb | |||||
libacl1 | 2.3.1-r0.193 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libacl1_2.3.1-r0.193_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | acl_2.3.1.bb | |||||
libarchive | 3.6.2-r0.166 | BSD-2-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libarchive_3.6.2-r0.166_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libarchive_3.6.2.bb | |||||
libc6 | 2.35-r0.53 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | libc6_2.35-r0.53_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | glibc_2.35.bb | |||||
liblzma5 | 5.2.6-r0.53 | PD | Binary | No | Location | liblzma5_5.2.6-r0.53_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | xz_5.2.6.bb | |||||
liblzo2-2 | 2.10-r0.184 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | liblzo2-2_2.10-r0.184_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | lzo_2.10.bb | |||||
libopkg1 | 1:0.5.0-r0.50 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libopkg1_1:0.5.0-r0.50_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | opkg_0.5.0.bb | |||||
libattr1 | 2.5.1-r0.188 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libattr1_2.5.1-r0.188_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | attr_2.5.1.bb | |||||
libbz2-1 | 1.0.8-r0.188 | bzip2-1.0.6 | Binary | No | Location | libbz2-1_1.0.8-r0.188_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | bzip2_1.0.8.bb | |||||
libsolv1 | 0.7.22-r0.75 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libsolv1_0.7.22-r0.75_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libsolv_0.7.22.bb | |||||
libz1 | 1.2.11-r0.51 | Zlib | Binary | No | Location | libz1_1.2.11-r0.51_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | zlib_1.2.11.bb | |||||
libzstd1 | 1.5.2-r0.98 | BSD-3-Clause & GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | libzstd1_1.5.2-r0.98_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | zstd_1.5.2.bb | |||||
locale-base-en-us | 2.35-r0.47 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | locale-base-en-us_2.35-r0.47_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | glibc-locale_2.35.bb | |||||
opkg-arch-config | 1.0-r1.117 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | opkg-arch-config_1.0-r1.117_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | opkg-arch-config_1.0.bb | |||||
opkg | 1:0.5.0-r0.50 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | opkg_1:0.5.0-r0.50_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | opkg_0.5.0.bb | |||||
optee-os-src | 4.0.0+git0+2a5b1d1232-r0.12 | BSD-2-Clause | Binary | No | Location | optee-os-src_4.0.0+git0+2a5b1d1232-r0.12_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | optee-os_3.16.0.bb | |||||
linux-ti-staging-src | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | linux-ti-staging-src_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
locale-base-en-gb | 2.35-r0.47 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | locale-base-en-gb_2.35-r0.47_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | glibc-locale_2.35.bb | |||||
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-amsdk-sdk-host | 1.0-r30.76 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | packagegroup-arago-tisdk-amsdk-sdk-host_1.0-r30.76_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | packagegroup-arago-tisdk-amsdk-sdk-host.bb | |||||
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-sourceipks-sdk-host | 1.0-r3.0 | MIT | Source | No | Location | packagegroup-arago-tisdk-sourceipks-sdk-host_1.0-r3.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | packagegroup-arago-tisdk-sourceipks-sdk-host.bb | |||||
trusted-firmware-a-src | 2.9+git1+d7a7135d32-r0.6 | BSD-3-Clause & MIT | Binary | No | Location | trusted-firmware-a-src_2.9+git1+d7a7135d32-r0.6_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | trusted-firmware-a_2.6.bb | |||||
u-boot-ti-staging-src | 1:2023.04+git208+71b8c840ca-r0_tisdk_0.0 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | u-boot-ti-staging-src_1:2023.04+git208+71b8c840ca-r0_tisdk_0.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | u-boot-ti-staging_2023.04.bb | |||||
update-alternatives-opkg | 0.5.0-r0.174 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | update-alternatives-opkg_0.5.0-r0.174_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | opkg-utils_0.5.0.bb | |||||
tisdk-readme | 1.0-r0.94 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | tisdk-readme_1.0-r0.94_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | tisdk-readme.bb | |||||
tisdk-uenv | 1.0-r3_tisdk_0.0 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | tisdk-uenv_1.0-r3_tisdk_0.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | tisdk-uenv.bb |
Software Name | Version | License Type | Delivered As | Modified by TI | ||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-videoscale | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-videoscale_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-videotestsrc | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-videotestsrc_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-volume | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-volume_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-vorbis | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-vorbis_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-ximagesink | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-ximagesink_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-xvimagesink | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-xvimagesink_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-alaw | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-alaw_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-alphacolor | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-alphacolor_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-alpha | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-alpha_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-statistic | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-statistic_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
libdrm-omap1 | 2.4.110-r0.arago3.55 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | libdrm-omap1_2.4.110-r0.arago3.55_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libdrm_2.4.110.bb | |||||
libdrm-radeon1 | 2.4.110-r0.arago3.55 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | libdrm-radeon1_2.4.110-r0.arago3.55_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libdrm_2.4.110.bb | |||||
libdrm-tests | 2.4.110-r0.arago3.55 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | libdrm-tests_2.4.110-r0.arago3.55_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libdrm_2.4.110.bb | |||||
libdw1 | 0.186-r0.60 | GPL-2.0-only or LGPL-3.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libdw1_0.186-r0.60_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | elfutils_0.186.bb | |||||
libe2p2 | 1.46.5-r0.103 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.0-only & BSD-3-Clause & MIT | Binary | No | Location | libe2p2_1.46.5-r0.103_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | e2fsprogs_1.46.5.bb | |||||
libegl-mesa | 2:22.0.3-r0.81 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | libegl-mesa_2:22.0.3-r0.81_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | mesa_22.0.3.bb | |||||
libegl-mesa-dev | 2:22.0.3-r0.81 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | libegl-mesa-dev_2:22.0.3-r0.81_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | mesa_22.0.3.bb | |||||
gobject-introspection | 1.72.0-r0.84 | LGPL-2.0-or-later & GPL-2.0-or-later & MIT | Binary | No | Location | gobject-introspection_1.72.0-r0.84_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gobject-introspection_1.72.0.bb | |||||
gobject-introspection-dev | 1.72.0-r0.84 | LGPL-2.0-or-later & GPL-2.0-or-later & MIT | Binary | No | Location | gobject-introspection-dev_1.72.0-r0.84_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gobject-introspection_1.72.0.bb | |||||
go-runtime | 1.17.13-r0.56 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | go-runtime_1.17.13-r0.56_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | go-runtime_1.17.13.bb | |||||
grub-bootconf | 1.00-r0.118 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | grub-bootconf_1.00-r0.118_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | grub-bootconf_1.00.bb | |||||
grub-common | 2.06-r0.195 | GPL-3.0-only | Binary | No | Location | grub-common_2.06-r0.195_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | grub_2.06.bb | |||||
grub-editenv | 2.06-r0.195 | GPL-3.0-only | Binary | No | Location | grub-editenv_2.06-r0.195_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | grub_2.06.bb | |||||
grub-efi | 2.06-r0.195 | GPL-3.0-only | Binary | No | Location | grub-efi_2.06-r0.195_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | grub-efi_2.06.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0 | 1.20.7-r0.14 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0_1.20.7-r0.14_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-dev | 1.20.7-r0.14 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-dev_1.20.7-r0.14_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-libav | 1.20.7-r0.215 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-libav_1.20.7-r0.215_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-libav_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-libav-dev | 1.20.7-r0.215 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-libav-dev_1.20.7-r0.215_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-libav_1.20.7.bb | |||||
libmpfr6 | 4.1.1-r0.60 | LGPL-3.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libmpfr6_4.1.1-r0.60_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | mpfr_4.1.1.bb | |||||
libncurses5 | 6.3+20220423-r0.94 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | libncurses5_6.3+20220423-r0.94_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | ncurses_6.3+20220423.bb | |||||
libncursesw5 | 6.3+20220423-r0.94 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | libncursesw5_6.3+20220423-r0.94_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | ncurses_6.3+20220423.bb | |||||
libnetconf2-3 | 2.1.34+git0+91cd6d7572-r0.55 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libnetconf2-3_2.1.34+git0+91cd6d7572-r0.55_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libnetconf2_git.bb | |||||
libnetsnmp40 | 5.9.3-r0.25 | BSD-3-Clause & MIT | Binary | No | Location | libnetsnmp40_5.9.3-r0.25_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | net-snmp_5.9.3.bb | |||||
libnetsnmpagent40 | 5.9.3-r0.25 | BSD-3-Clause & MIT | Binary | No | Location | libnetsnmpagent40_5.9.3-r0.25_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | net-snmp_5.9.3.bb | |||||
libnetsnmphelpers40 | 5.9.3-r0.25 | BSD-3-Clause & MIT | Binary | No | Location | libnetsnmphelpers40_5.9.3-r0.25_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | net-snmp_5.9.3.bb | |||||
libnetsnmpmibs40 | 5.9.3-r0.25 | BSD-3-Clause & MIT | Binary | No | Location | libnetsnmpmibs40_5.9.3-r0.25_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | net-snmp_5.9.3.bb | |||||
libnl-3-200 | 1:3.5.0-r0.arago0.52 | LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | libnl-3-200_1:3.5.0-r0.arago0.52_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libnl_3.5.0.bb | |||||
libnl-genl-3-200 | 1:3.5.0-r0.arago0.52 | LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | libnl-genl-3-200_1:3.5.0-r0.arago0.52_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libnl_3.5.0.bb | |||||
libnsl3 | 2.0.0-r0.192 | LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | libnsl3_2.0.0-r0.192_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libnsl2_git.bb | |||||
libnsl-dev | 2.0.0-r0.192 | LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | libnsl-dev_2.0.0-r0.192_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libnsl2_git.bb | |||||
kernel-module-bcm-phy-lib-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-bcm-phy-lib-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-bcm-sba-raid-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-bcm-sba-raid-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-blake2b-generic-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-blake2b-generic-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-blocklayoutdriver-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-blocklayoutdriver-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-bluetooth-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-bluetooth-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-bnx2x-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-bnx2x-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-bq25890-charger-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-bq25890-charger-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-bq25980-charger-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-bq25980-charger-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-brcmfmac-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-brcmfmac-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-sch-cbs-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-sch-cbs-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-sch-etf-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-sch-etf-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-sch-ingress-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-sch-ingress-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-sch-mqprio-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-sch-mqprio-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-sch-taprio-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-sch-taprio-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-modules | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-modules_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-sha3-ce-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-sha3-ce-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-sha3-generic-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-sha3-generic-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-sha512-arm64-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-sha512-arm64-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-cgroup | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-cgroup_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-checksum | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-checksum_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-classify | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-classify_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-cluster | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-cluster_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-comment | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-comment_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-connbytes | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-connbytes_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-connlimit | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-connlimit_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-connmark | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-connmark_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-connsecmark | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-connsecmark_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-conntrack | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-conntrack_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-cpu | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-cpu_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
libboost-json1.78.0 | 1.78.0-r0.62 | BSL-1.0 & MIT & Python-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | libboost-json1.78.0_1.78.0-r0.62_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | boost_1.78.0.bb | |||||
libboost-locale1.78.0 | 1.78.0-r0.62 | BSL-1.0 & MIT & Python-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | libboost-locale1.78.0_1.78.0-r0.62_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | boost_1.78.0.bb | |||||
libboost-program-options1.78.0 | 1.78.0-r0.62 | BSL-1.0 & MIT & Python-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | libboost-program-options1.78.0_1.78.0-r0.62_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | boost_1.78.0.bb | |||||
libboost-python310-1.78.0 | 1.78.0-r0.62 | BSL-1.0 & MIT & Python-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | libboost-python310-1.78.0_1.78.0-r0.62_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | boost_1.78.0.bb | |||||
libboost-random1.78.0 | 1.78.0-r0.62 | BSL-1.0 & MIT & Python-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | libboost-random1.78.0_1.78.0-r0.62_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | boost_1.78.0.bb | |||||
libboost-regex1.78.0 | 1.78.0-r0.62 | BSL-1.0 & MIT & Python-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | libboost-regex1.78.0_1.78.0-r0.62_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | boost_1.78.0.bb | |||||
libboost-system1.78.0 | 1.78.0-r0.62 | BSL-1.0 & MIT & Python-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | libboost-system1.78.0_1.78.0-r0.62_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | boost_1.78.0.bb | |||||
libboost-thread1.78.0 | 1.78.0-r0.62 | BSL-1.0 & MIT & Python-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | libboost-thread1.78.0_1.78.0-r0.62_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | boost_1.78.0.bb | |||||
libboost-timer1.78.0 | 1.78.0-r0.62 | BSL-1.0 & MIT & Python-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | libboost-timer1.78.0_1.78.0-r0.62_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | boost_1.78.0.bb | |||||
libboost-type-erasure1.78.0 | 1.78.0-r0.62 | BSL-1.0 & MIT & Python-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | libboost-type-erasure1.78.0_1.78.0-r0.62_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | boost_1.78.0.bb | |||||
libboost-wave1.78.0 | 1.78.0-r0.62 | BSL-1.0 & MIT & Python-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | libboost-wave1.78.0_1.78.0-r0.62_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | boost_1.78.0.bb | |||||
libbz2-1 | 1.0.8-r0.188 | bzip2-1.0.6 | Binary | No | Location | libbz2-1_1.0.8-r0.188_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | bzip2_1.0.8.bb | |||||
libpciaccess0 | 0.16-r0.52 | MIT & MIT | Binary | No | Location | libpciaccess0_0.16-r0.52_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libpciaccess_0.16.bb | |||||
libyaml-0-2 | 0.2.5-r0.48 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | libyaml-0-2_0.2.5-r0.48_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libyaml_0.2.5.bb | |||||
libyang | 2.1.77+git0+a804113c9b-r0.48 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libyang_2.1.77+git0+a804113c9b-r0.48_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libyang_git.bb | |||||
libz1 | 1.2.11-r0.51 | Zlib | Binary | No | Location | libz1_1.2.11-r0.51_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | zlib_1.2.11.bb | |||||
libz-dev | 1.2.11-r0.51 | Zlib | Binary | No | Location | libz-dev_1.2.11-r0.51_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | zlib_1.2.11.bb | |||||
libxxf86vm1 | 1:1.1.4-r0.33 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | libxxf86vm1_1:1.1.4-r0.33_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libxxf86vm_1.1.4.bb | |||||
libxxf86vm-dev | 1:1.1.4-r0.33 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | libxxf86vm-dev_1:1.1.4-r0.33_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libxxf86vm_1.1.4.bb | |||||
libzstd1 | 1.5.2-r0.98 | BSD-3-Clause & GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | libzstd1_1.5.2-r0.98_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | zstd_1.5.2.bb | |||||
linux-firmware-ibt-18 | 1:20230804-r0.arago1.1 | Firmware-ibt_firmware | Binary | No | Location | linux-firmware-ibt-18_1:20230804-r0.arago1.1_all.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-firmware_20230804.bb | |||||
linux-firmware-ibt-license | 1:20230804-r0.arago1.1 | Firmware-ibt_firmware | Binary | No | Location | linux-firmware-ibt-license_1:20230804-r0.arago1.1_all.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-firmware_20230804.bb | |||||
linux-firmware-iwlwifi-3160-17 | 1:20230804-r0.arago1.1 | Firmware-iwlwifi_firmware | Binary | No | Location | linux-firmware-iwlwifi-3160-17_1:20230804-r0.arago1.1_all.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-firmware_20230804.bb | |||||
linux-firmware-iwlwifi-8000c | 1:20230804-r0.arago1.1 | Firmware-iwlwifi_firmware | Binary | No | Location | linux-firmware-iwlwifi-8000c_1:20230804-r0.arago1.1_all.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-firmware_20230804.bb | |||||
libpcre2-16-0 | 10.40-r0.70 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libpcre2-16-0_10.40-r0.70_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libpcre2_10.40.bb | |||||
libpcre2 | 10.40-r0.70 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libpcre2_10.40-r0.70_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libpcre2_10.40.bb | |||||
libpcrecpp0 | 8.45-r0.186 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libpcrecpp0_8.45-r0.186_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libpcre_8.45.bb | |||||
libpcre-dev | 8.45-r0.186 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libpcre-dev_8.45-r0.186_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libpcre_8.45.bb | |||||
libpciaccess-dev | 0.16-r0.52 | MIT & MIT | Binary | No | Location | libpciaccess-dev_0.16-r0.52_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libpciaccess_0.16.bb | |||||
libpcre1 | 8.45-r0.186 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libpcre1_8.45-r0.186_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libpcre_8.45.bb | |||||
libpcreposix0 | 8.45-r0.186 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libpcreposix0_8.45-r0.186_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libpcre_8.45.bb | |||||
libpcsclite1 | 1.9.0-r0.46 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libpcsclite1_1.9.0-r0.46_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pcsc-lite_1.9.0.bb | |||||
libpixman-1-0 | 1:0.40.0-r0.54 | MIT & PD | Binary | No | Location | libpixman-1-0_1:0.40.0-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pixman_0.40.0.bb | |||||
libpixman-1-dev | 1:0.40.0-r0.54 | MIT & PD | Binary | No | Location | libpixman-1-dev_1:0.40.0-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pixman_0.40.0.bb | |||||
libpng16-16 | 1.6.39-r0.142 | Libpng | Binary | No | Location | libpng16-16_1.6.39-r0.142_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libpng_1.6.39.bb | |||||
libpsl5 | 0.21.1-r0.57 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | libpsl5_0.21.1-r0.57_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libpsl_0.21.1.bb | |||||
libpsl-dev | 0.21.1-r0.57 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | libpsl-dev_0.21.1-r0.57_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libpsl_0.21.1.bb | |||||
util-linux-rfkill | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-rfkill_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-scriptreplay | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-scriptreplay_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-setarch | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-setarch_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-setpriv | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-setpriv_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-setsid | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-setsid_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-setterm | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-setterm_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
shadow-dev | 4.11.1-r0.54 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | shadow-dev_4.11.1-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | shadow_4.11.1.bb | |||||
shadow-securetty | 4.6-r3.arago0.79 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | shadow-securetty_4.6-r3.arago0.79_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | shadow-securetty_4.6.bb | |||||
util-linux-sulogin | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-sulogin_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-swaplabel | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-swaplabel_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-swapoff | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-swapoff_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-swapon | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-swapon_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-sfdisk | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-sfdisk_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-su | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-su_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-switch-root | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-switch-root_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-taskset | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-taskset_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-uclampset | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-uclampset_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
slang | 2.3.2-r0.53 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | slang_2.3.2-r0.53_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | slang_2.3.2.bb | |||||
smcroute | 2.5.5-r0.57 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | smcroute_2.5.5-r0.57_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | smcroute_2.5.5.bb | |||||
softap-udhcpd-config | 1.0-r1.96 | GPL-2.0-only & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | softap-udhcpd-config_1.0-r1.96_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | softap-udhcpd-config_1.0.bb | |||||
shadow-securetty-dev | 4.6-r3.arago0.79 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | shadow-securetty-dev_4.6-r3.arago0.79_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | shadow-securetty_4.6.bb | |||||
shared-mime-info | 2.1-r0.62 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | shared-mime-info_2.1-r0.62_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | shared-mime-info_git.bb | |||||
statcol | 1.0.4+git0+279bf455bc-r0.127 | TI-TSPA | Binary | No | Location | statcol_1.0.4+git0+279bf455bc-r0.127_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | statcol.bb | |||||
strace | 5.16-r0.123 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | strace_5.16-r0.123_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strace_5.16.bb | |||||
stream | 5.10-r0.arago1.92 | Stream_Benchmark_License | Binary | No | Location | stream_5.10-r0.arago1.92_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | stream_5.10.bb | |||||
stress-ng | 0.13.12-r0.52 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | stress-ng_0.13.12-r0.52_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | stress-ng_0.13.12.bb | |||||
strongswan | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-aes | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-aes_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
util-linux-uuidd | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-uuidd_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-string | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-string_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-synproxy | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-synproxy_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-tcp | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-tcp_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-tcpmss | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-tcpmss_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-tcpoptstrip | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-tcpoptstrip_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-tee | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-tee_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-time | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-time_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-tos | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-tos_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-tproxy | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-tproxy_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-trace | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-trace_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-u32 | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-u32_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-icydemux | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-icydemux_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-goom | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-goom_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-id3demux | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-id3demux_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-imagefreeze | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-imagefreeze_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-interleave | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-interleave_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-isomp4 | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-isomp4_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-jpeg | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-jpeg_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-lame | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-lame_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
libnss-db2 | 2.35-r0.53 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | libnss-db2_2.35-r0.53_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | glibc_2.35.bb | |||||
libnss-mdns | 0.15.1-r0.289 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libnss-mdns_0.15.1-r0.289_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libnss-mdns_0.15.1.bb | |||||
libnss-myhostname2 | 1:250.5-r0.arago7_tisdk_0.4 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | libnss-myhostname2_1:250.5-r0.arago7_tisdk_0.4_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | systemd_250.5.bb | |||||
libogg0 | 1.3.5-r0.180 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libogg0_1.3.5-r0.180_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libogg_1.3.5.bb | |||||
libogg-dev | 1.3.5-r0.180 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libogg-dev_1.3.5-r0.180_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libogg_1.3.5.bb | |||||
libopcodes | 2.38-r0.66 | GPL-3.0-only | Binary | No | Location | libopcodes_2.38-r0.66_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | binutils_2.38.bb | |||||
libopkg1 | 1:0.5.0-r0.50 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libopkg1_1:0.5.0-r0.50_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | opkg_0.5.0.bb | |||||
liborc-0.4-0 | 0.4.32-r0.54 | BSD-2-Clause & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | liborc-0.4-0_0.4.32-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | orc_0.4.32.bb | |||||
libpam | 1.5.2-r0.99 | GPL-2.0-or-later or BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libpam_1.5.2-r0.99_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libpam_1.5.2.bb | |||||
liborc-test-0.4-0 | 0.4.32-r0.54 | BSD-2-Clause & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | liborc-test-0.4-0_0.4.32-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | orc_0.4.32.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ina3221-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ina3221-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-i2c-hid-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-i2c-hid-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-i2c-hid-of-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-i2c-hid-of-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-icssg-prueth-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-icssg-prueth-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-icss-iep-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-icss-iep-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ili210x-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ili210x-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-imx219-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-imx219-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-imx390-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-imx390-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ina2xx-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ina2xx-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-sm4-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-sm4-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-sha512-ce-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-sha512-ce-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-sii902x-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-sii902x-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-sil164-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-sil164-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-simple-bridge-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-simple-bridge-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-sit-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-sit-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-sm3-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-sm3-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-sm3-ce-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-sm3-ce-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-sm3-generic-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-sm3-generic-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
bash-completion-dev | 2.11-r0.188 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | bash-completion-dev_2.11-r0.188_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | bash-completion_2.11.bb | |||||
bash | 5.1.16-r0.arago0.52 | GPL-3.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | bash_5.1.16-r0.arago0.52_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | bash_5.1.16.bb | |||||
bash-dev | 5.1.16-r0.arago0.52 | GPL-3.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | bash-dev_5.1.16-r0.arago0.52_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | bash_5.1.16.bb | |||||
bc | 1.07.1-r0.196 | GPL-3.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | bc_1.07.1-r0.196_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | bc_1.07.1.bb | |||||
binutils | 2.38-r0.66 | GPL-3.0-only | Binary | No | Location | binutils_2.38-r0.66_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | binutils_2.38.bb | |||||
bluez5 | 5.65-r0.133 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | bluez5_5.65-r0.133_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | bluez5_5.65.bb | |||||
bluez5-dev | 5.65-r0.133 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | bluez5-dev_5.65-r0.133_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | bluez5_5.65.bb | |||||
bluez5-noinst-tools | 5.65-r0.133 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | bluez5-noinst-tools_5.65-r0.133_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | bluez5_5.65.bb | |||||
bluez5-obex | 5.65-r0.133 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | bluez5-obex_5.65-r0.133_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | bluez5_5.65.bb | |||||
bluez5-testtools | 5.65-r0.133 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | bluez5-testtools_5.65-r0.133_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | bluez5_5.65.bb | |||||
bonnie++ | 1.04-r0.181 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | bonnie++_1.04-r0.181_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | bonnie++_1.04.bb | |||||
boost | 1.78.0-r0.62 | BSL-1.0 & MIT & Python-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | boost_1.78.0-r0.62_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | boost_1.78.0.bb | |||||
kernel-module-cls-flow-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-cls-flow-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-cls-flower-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-cls-flower-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-cls-fw-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-cls-fw-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-cls-route-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-cls-route-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-cls-rsvp-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-cls-rsvp-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-cls-rsvp6-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-cls-rsvp6-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-cls-u32-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-cls-u32-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-cmac-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-cmac-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-coresight-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-coresight-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
libcamera-gst | 1:0.0.5-r0.653 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libcamera-gst_1:0.0.5-r0.653_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libcamera_0.0.5.bb | |||||
libcap | 2.66-r0.97 | BSD-3-Clause or GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | libcap_2.66-r0.97_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libcap_2.66.bb | |||||
libc6 | 2.35-r0.53 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | libc6_2.35-r0.53_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | glibc_2.35.bb | |||||
libc6-dev | 2.35-r0.53 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | libc6-dev_2.35-r0.53_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | glibc_2.35.bb | |||||
libc6-extra-nss | 2.35-r0.53 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | libc6-extra-nss_2.35-r0.53_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | glibc_2.35.bb | |||||
libc6-thread-db | 2.35-r0.53 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | libc6-thread-db_2.35-r0.53_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | glibc_2.35.bb | |||||
libc6-utils | 2.35-r0.53 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | libc6-utils_2.35-r0.53_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | glibc_2.35.bb | |||||
libcairo2 | 1.16.0-r0.1355 | MPL-1.1 or LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | libcairo2_1.16.0-r0.1355_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | cairo_1.16.0.bb | |||||
libcairo-dev | 1.16.0-r0.1355 | MPL-1.1 or LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | libcairo-dev_1.16.0-r0.1355_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | cairo_1.16.0.bb | |||||
libcairo-gobject2 | 1.16.0-r0.1355 | MPL-1.1 or LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | libcairo-gobject2_1.16.0-r0.1355_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | cairo_1.16.0.bb | |||||
libcairo-script-interpreter2 | 1.16.0-r0.1355 | MPL-1.1 or LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | libcairo-script-interpreter2_1.16.0-r0.1355_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | cairo_1.16.0.bb | |||||
libcamera | 1:0.0.5-r0.653 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libcamera_1:0.0.5-r0.653_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libcamera_0.0.5.bb | |||||
linux-firmware-iwlwifi-8265 | 1:20230804-r0.arago1.1 | Firmware-iwlwifi_firmware | Binary | No | Location | linux-firmware-iwlwifi-8265_1:20230804-r0.arago1.1_all.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-firmware_20230804.bb | |||||
procps-sysctl | 3.3.17-r0.178 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | procps-sysctl_3.3.17-r0.178_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | procps_3.3.17.bb | |||||
ptpd | 2.3.1-r0.204 | BSD-2-Clause | Binary | No | Location | ptpd_2.3.1-r0.204_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | ptpd_2.3.1.bb | |||||
pulseaudio | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-dev | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-dev_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
procps | 3.3.17-r0.178 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | procps_3.3.17-r0.178_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | procps_3.3.17.bb | |||||
procps-ps | 3.3.17-r0.178 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | procps-ps_3.3.17-r0.178_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | procps_3.3.17.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-lib-alsa-util | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-lib-alsa-util_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-lib-bluez5-util | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-lib-bluez5-util_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-lib-cli | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-lib-cli_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-lib-protocol-cli | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-lib-protocol-cli_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-lib-protocol-native | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-lib-protocol-native_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
libpng16-dev | 1.6.39-r0.142 | Libpng | Binary | No | Location | libpng16-dev_1.6.39-r0.142_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libpng_1.6.39.bb | |||||
libpopt0 | 1.18-r0.48 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | libpopt0_1.18-r0.48_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | popt_1.18.bb | |||||
linux-libc-headers-dev | 5.16-r0.20 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | linux-libc-headers-dev_5.16-r0.20_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-libc-headers_5.16.bb | |||||
linuxptp | 3.1.1-r0.186 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | linuxptp_3.1.1-r0.186_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | linuxptp_3.1.1.bb | |||||
lmbench | 3.0-a9 | GPL-2.0-only & GPL-2.0-with-lmbench-restriction | Binary | No | Location | lmbench_3.0-a9-r2.193_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | lmbench_3.0-a9.bb | |||||
logrotate | 3.20.1-r0.45 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | logrotate_3.20.1-r0.45_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | logrotate_3.20.1.bb | |||||
linux-firmware-iwlwifi-9260 | 1:20230804-r0.arago1.1 | Firmware-iwlwifi_firmware | Binary | No | Location | linux-firmware-iwlwifi-9260_1:20230804-r0.arago1.1_all.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-firmware_20230804.bb | |||||
linux-firmware-iwlwifi-license | 1:20230804-r0.arago1.1 | Firmware-iwlwifi_firmware | Binary | No | Location | linux-firmware-iwlwifi-license_1:20230804-r0.arago1.1_all.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-firmware_20230804.bb | |||||
lsof | 4.94.0-r0.3 | Spencer-94 | Binary | No | Location | lsof_4.94.0-r0.3_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | lsof_4.94.0.bb | |||||
ltp-ddt | 1:20230127+git95+6e96fcd718-r7.0 | GPL-2.0-only & GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-2-Clause | Binary | No | Location | ltp-ddt_1:20230127+git95+6e96fcd718-r7.0_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | ltp-ddt_20230127.bb | |||||
ltrace | 1:7.91+git0+c22d359433-r0.129 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | ltrace_1:7.91+git0+c22d359433-r0.129_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | ltrace_git.bb | |||||
m4 | 1.4.19-r0.182 | GPL-3.0-only | Binary | No | Location | m4_1.4.19-r0.182_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | m4_1.4.19.bb | |||||
libpthread-stubs-dev | 0.4-r0.179 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | libpthread-stubs-dev_0.4-r0.179_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libpthread-stubs_0.4.bb | |||||
libpulse0 | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libpulse0_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
libprocps8 | 3.3.17-r0.178 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libprocps8_3.3.17-r0.178_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | procps_3.3.17.bb | |||||
libprotobuf30 | 3.19.6-r0.48 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libprotobuf30_3.19.6-r0.48_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | protobuf_3.19.6.bb | |||||
libpulsecommon | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libpulsecommon_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
libpulsecore | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libpulsecore_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
libpulse-mainloop-glib0 | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libpulse-mainloop-glib0_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
libpulse-simple0 | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libpulse-simple0_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
libpython3.10-1.0 | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | libpython3.10-1.0_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
libqt5charts5 | 5.15.7+git0+df56d9b4e6-r0.994 | GPL-3.0-only or The-Qt-Company-Commercial | Binary | No | Location | libqt5charts5_5.15.7+git0+df56d9b4e6-r0.994_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | qtcharts_git.bb | |||||
memtester | 4.5.1-r0.63 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | memtester_4.5.1-r0.63_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | memtester_4.5.1.bb | |||||
mesa-demos | 8.4.0-r0.353 | MIT & PD | Binary | No | Location | mesa-demos_8.4.0-r0.353_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | mesa-demos_8.4.0.bb | |||||
libqt5charts-qmlplugins | 5.15.7+git0+df56d9b4e6-r0.994 | GPL-3.0-only or The-Qt-Company-Commercial | Binary | No | Location | libqt5charts-qmlplugins_5.15.7+git0+df56d9b4e6-r0.994_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | qtcharts_git.bb | |||||
libqt5sensors5 | 5.15.7+git0+d9574231fd-r0.773 | GFDL-1.3 & BSD-3-Clause & ( GPL-3.0-only & The-Qt-Company-GPL-Exception-1.0 or The-Qt-Company-Commercial ) & ( GPL-2.0-or-later or LGPL-3.0-only or The-Qt-Company-Commercial ) | Binary | No | Location | libqt5sensors5_5.15.7+git0+d9574231fd-r0.773_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | qtsensors_git.bb | |||||
libqt5sensors-plugins | 5.15.7+git0+d9574231fd-r0.773 | GFDL-1.3 & BSD-3-Clause & ( GPL-3.0-only & The-Qt-Company-GPL-Exception-1.0 or The-Qt-Company-Commercial ) & ( GPL-2.0-or-later or LGPL-3.0-only or The-Qt-Company-Commercial ) | Binary | No | Location | libqt5sensors-plugins_5.15.7+git0+d9574231fd-r0.773_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | qtsensors_git.bb | |||||
util-linux-ul | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-ul_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-umount | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-umount_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-uuidgen | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-uuidgen_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-uuidparse | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-uuidparse_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-wall | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-wall_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-unshare | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-unshare_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-utmpdump | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-utmpdump_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-wdctl | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-wdctl_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-whereis | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-whereis_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-wipefs | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-wipefs_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-write | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-write_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-zramctl | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-zramctl_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
kernel-module-dm-mod-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-dm-mod-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-dm-persistent-data-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-dm-persistent-data-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-dm-region-hash-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-dm-region-hash-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-dm-thin-pool-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-dm-thin-pool-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-dm-zero-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-dm-zero-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-drm-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-drm-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-drm-display-helper-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-drm-display-helper-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-drm-dma-helper-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-drm-dma-helper-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-drm-dp-aux-bus-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-drm-dp-aux-bus-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-act-simple-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-act-simple-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-level | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-level_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-matroska | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-matroska_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
kernel-module-act-gate-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-act-gate-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-act-ipt-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-act-ipt-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-act-mirred-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-act-mirred-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-act-nat-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-act-nat-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-act-pedit-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-act-pedit-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-act-police-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-act-police-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
libpam-dev | 1.5.2-r0.99 | GPL-2.0-or-later or BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libpam-dev_1.5.2-r0.99_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libpam_1.5.2.bb | |||||
libpam-runtime | 1.5.2-r0.99 | GPL-2.0-or-later or BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libpam-runtime_1.5.2-r0.99_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libpam_1.5.2.bb | |||||
libpanel5 | 6.3+20220423-r0.94 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | libpanel5_6.3+20220423-r0.94_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | ncurses_6.3+20220423.bb | |||||
libpanelw5 | 6.3+20220423-r0.94 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | libpanelw5_6.3+20220423-r0.94_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | ncurses_6.3+20220423.bb | |||||
libpcap1 | 1.10.1-r0.132 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libpcap1_1.10.1-r0.132_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libpcap_1.10.1.bb | |||||
libpci3 | 3.7.0-r0.115 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libpci3_3.7.0-r0.115_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pciutils_3.7.0.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-curl | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-curl_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-dash | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-dash_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-debugutilsbad | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-debugutilsbad_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-decklink | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-decklink_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-dev | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-dev_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-dtls | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-dtls_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-dvb | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-dvb_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-dvbsubenc | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-dvbsubenc_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-dvbsuboverlay | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-dvbsuboverlay_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
kernel-module-mpl3115-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-mpl3115-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-pwm-tiecap-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-pwm-tiecap-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-pwm-tiehrpwm-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-pwm-tiehrpwm-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-pwm-vibra-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-pwm-vibra-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-qcom-emac-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-qcom-emac-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-qmi-helpers-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-qmi-helpers-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-qrtr-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-qrtr-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-qrtr-mhi-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-qrtr-mhi-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-qrtr-smd-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-qrtr-smd-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-sm4-generic-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-sm4-generic-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-smsc-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-smsc-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-smsc75xx-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-smsc75xx-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-smsc95xx-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-smsc95xx-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-snd-hwdep-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-snd-hwdep-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-snd-rawmidi-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-snd-rawmidi-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-snd-soc-adau7002-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-snd-soc-adau7002-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-snd-soc-audio-graph-card2-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-snd-soc-audio-graph-card2-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-sdpelem | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-sdpelem_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-segmentclip | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-segmentclip_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-shm | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-shm_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-siren | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-siren_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-smooth | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-smooth_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-smoothstreaming | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-smoothstreaming_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-sndfile | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-sndfile_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-speed | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-speed_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-subenc | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-subenc_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-switchbin | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-switchbin_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
kernel-module-libchacha-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-libchacha-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-libcomposite-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-libcomposite-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-libcrc32c-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-libcrc32c-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-libcurve25519-generic-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-libcurve25519-generic-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-libdes-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-libdes-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-llc-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-llc-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-lm75-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-lm75-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-lm90-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-lm90-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-lontium-lt8912b-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-lontium-lt8912b-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
libcap-dev | 2.66-r0.97 | BSD-3-Clause or GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | libcap-dev_2.66-r0.97_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libcap_2.66.bb | |||||
libcap-ng | 0.8.2-r0.47 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libcap-ng_0.8.2-r0.47_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libcap-ng_0.8.2.bb | |||||
libcap-ng-dev | 0.8.2-r0.47 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libcap-ng-dev_0.8.2-r0.47_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libcap-ng_0.8.2.bb | |||||
libcares2 | 1.18.1-r0.74 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | libcares2_1.18.1-r0.74_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | c-ares_1.18.1.bb | |||||
libc-malloc-debug0 | 2.35-r0.53 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | libc-malloc-debug0_2.35-r0.53_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | glibc_2.35.bb | |||||
libcom-err2 | 1.46.5-r0.103 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.0-only & BSD-3-Clause & MIT | Binary | No | Location | libcom-err2_1.46.5-r0.103_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | e2fsprogs_1.46.5.bb | |||||
libcroco | 0.6.13-r0.135 | LGPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | libcroco_0.6.13-r0.135_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libcroco_0.6.13.bb | |||||
libcroco-dev | 0.6.13-r0.135 | LGPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | libcroco-dev_0.6.13-r0.135_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libcroco_0.6.13.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-misc | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-misc_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-constraints | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-constraints_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-curl | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-curl_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-des | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-des_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-dnskey | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-dnskey_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-attr | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-attr_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-cmac | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-cmac_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-hmac | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-hmac_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-kernel-netlink | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-kernel-netlink_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-md5 | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-md5_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-nonce | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-nonce_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
m4-dev | 1.4.19-r0.182 | GPL-3.0-only | Binary | No | Location | m4-dev_1.4.19-r0.182_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | m4_1.4.19.bb | |||||
make | 4.3-r0.56 | GPL-3.0-only | Binary | No | Location | make_4.3-r0.56_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | make_4.3.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-module-alsa-source | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Source | No | Location | pulseaudio-module-alsa-source_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-module-always-sink | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-module-always-sink_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-module-augment-properties | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-module-augment-properties_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-module-bluetooth-discover | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-module-bluetooth-discover_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-module-alsa-card | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-module-alsa-card_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-module-alsa-sink | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-module-alsa-sink_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-module-bluetooth-policy | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-module-bluetooth-policy_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-module-bluez5-device | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-module-bluez5-device_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-module-bluez5-discover | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-module-bluez5-discover_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
mesa-megadriver | 2:22.0.3-r0.81 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | mesa-megadriver_2:22.0.3-r0.81_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | mesa_22.0.3.bb | |||||
mmc-utils | 0.1+git61+b7e4d5a6ae-r0.52 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | mmc-utils_0.1+git61+b7e4d5a6ae-r0.52_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | mmc-utils_git.bb | |||||
mbedtls | 2.28.5-r0.0 | Apache-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | mbedtls_2.28.5-r0.0_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | mbedtls_2.28.5.bb | |||||
media-ctl | 1.24.1-r0.139 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | media-ctl_1.24.1-r0.139_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | v4l-utils_1.24.1.bb | |||||
mobile-broadband-provider-info | 1:20230416-r0.70 | PD | Binary | No | Location | mobile-broadband-provider-info_1:20230416-r0.70_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | mobile-broadband-provider-info_git.bb | |||||
mobile-broadband-provider-info-dev | 1:20230416-r0.70 | PD | Binary | No | Location | mobile-broadband-provider-info-dev_1:20230416-r0.70_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | mobile-broadband-provider-info_git.bb | |||||
mpg123 | 1.29.3-r0.126 | LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | mpg123_1.29.3-r0.126_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | mpg123_1.29.3.bb | |||||
mpg123-dev | 1.29.3-r0.126 | LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | mpg123-dev_1.29.3-r0.126_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | mpg123_1.29.3.bb | |||||
mstpd | 0.0.7+git0+e4f0ba5a48-r0.236 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | mstpd_0.0.7+git0+e4f0ba5a48-r0.236_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | mstpd_git.bb | |||||
mtdev | 1.1.6-r0.112 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | mtdev_1.1.6-r0.112_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | mtdev_1.1.6.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-module-detect | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-module-detect_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-module-device-manager | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-module-device-manager_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
libqt5sensors-qmlplugins | 5.15.7+git0+d9574231fd-r0.773 | GFDL-1.3 & BSD-3-Clause & ( GPL-3.0-only & The-Qt-Company-GPL-Exception-1.0 or The-Qt-Company-Commercial ) & ( GPL-2.0-or-later or LGPL-3.0-only or The-Qt-Company-Commercial ) | Binary | No | Location | libqt5sensors-qmlplugins_5.15.7+git0+d9574231fd-r0.773_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | qtsensors_git.bb | |||||
libqt5charts-examples | 5.15.7+git0+df56d9b4e6-r0.994 | GPL-3.0-only or The-Qt-Company-Commercial | Binary | No | Location | libqt5charts-examples_5.15.7+git0+df56d9b4e6-r0.994_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | qtcharts_git.bb | |||||
libqt5charts-plugins | 5.15.7+git0+df56d9b4e6-r0.994 | GPL-3.0-only or The-Qt-Company-Commercial | Binary | No | Location | libqt5charts-plugins_5.15.7+git0+df56d9b4e6-r0.994_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | qtcharts_git.bb | |||||
libqt5serialport5 | 5.15.7+git0+cf4e7a066f-r0.782 | GFDL-1.3 & BSD-3-Clause & ( GPL-3.0-only & The-Qt-Company-GPL-Exception-1.0 or The-Qt-Company-Commercial ) & ( GPL-2.0-or-later or LGPL-3.0-only or The-Qt-Company-Commercial ) | Binary | No | Location | libqt5serialport5_5.15.7+git0+cf4e7a066f-r0.782_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | qtserialport_git.bb | |||||
libqt5serialport-examples | 5.15.7+git0+cf4e7a066f-r0.782 | GFDL-1.3 & BSD-3-Clause & ( GPL-3.0-only & The-Qt-Company-GPL-Exception-1.0 or The-Qt-Company-Commercial ) & ( GPL-2.0-or-later or LGPL-3.0-only or The-Qt-Company-Commercial ) | Binary | No | Location | libqt5serialport-examples_5.15.7+git0+cf4e7a066f-r0.782_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | qtserialport_git.bb | |||||
libqt5serialport-plugins | 5.15.7+git0+cf4e7a066f-r0.782 | GFDL-1.3 & BSD-3-Clause & ( GPL-3.0-only & The-Qt-Company-GPL-Exception-1.0 or The-Qt-Company-Commercial ) & ( GPL-2.0-or-later or LGPL-3.0-only or The-Qt-Company-Commercial ) | Binary | No | Location | libqt5serialport-plugins_5.15.7+git0+cf4e7a066f-r0.782_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | qtserialport_git.bb | |||||
mtd-utils-ubifs-tests | 2.1.5-r0.arago1_tisdk_0.6 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | mtd-utils-ubifs-tests_2.1.5-r0.arago1_tisdk_0.6_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | mtd-utils_git.bb | |||||
nbench-byte | 2.2.3-r0.237 | nbench-byte | Binary | No | Location | nbench-byte_2.2.3-r0.237_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | nbench-byte_2.2.3.bb | |||||
ncurses | 6.3+20220423-r0.94 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | ncurses_6.3+20220423-r0.94_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | ncurses_6.3+20220423.bb | |||||
ncurses-dev | 6.3+20220423-r0.94 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | ncurses-dev_6.3+20220423-r0.94_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | ncurses_6.3+20220423.bb | |||||
libqt5svg-examples | 5.15.7+git0+a5d2402512-r0.787 | GFDL-1.3 & BSD-3-Clause & ( GPL-3.0-only & The-Qt-Company-GPL-Exception-1.0 or The-Qt-Company-Commercial ) & ( GPL-2.0-or-later or LGPL-3.0-only or The-Qt-Company-Commercial ) | Binary | No | Location | libqt5svg-examples_5.15.7+git0+a5d2402512-r0.787_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | qtsvg_git.bb | |||||
libqt5svg-plugins | 5.15.7+git0+a5d2402512-r0.787 | GFDL-1.3 & BSD-3-Clause & ( GPL-3.0-only & The-Qt-Company-GPL-Exception-1.0 or The-Qt-Company-Commercial ) & ( GPL-2.0-or-later or LGPL-3.0-only or The-Qt-Company-Commercial ) | Binary | No | Location | libqt5svg-plugins_5.15.7+git0+a5d2402512-r0.787_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | qtsvg_git.bb | |||||
libqt5svg-qmlplugins | 5.15.7+git0+a5d2402512-r0.787 | GFDL-1.3 & BSD-3-Clause & ( GPL-3.0-only & The-Qt-Company-GPL-Exception-1.0 or The-Qt-Company-Commercial ) & ( GPL-2.0-or-later or LGPL-3.0-only or The-Qt-Company-Commercial ) | Binary | No | Location | libqt5svg-qmlplugins_5.15.7+git0+a5d2402512-r0.787_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | qtsvg_git.bb | |||||
dbus-broker | 29-r0.98 | Apache-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | dbus-broker_29-r0.98_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | dbus-broker_29.bb | |||||
dbus-common | 1.14.8-r0.arago1.106 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | dbus-common_1.14.8-r0.arago1.106_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | dbus_1.14.8.bb | |||||
dbus-dev | 1.14.8-r0.arago1.106 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | dbus-dev_1.14.8-r0.arago1.106_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | dbus_1.14.8.bb | |||||
dbus-tools | 1.14.8-r0.arago1.106 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | dbus-tools_1.14.8-r0.arago1.106_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | dbus_1.14.8.bb | |||||
devmem2 | 2.0-r0.115 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | devmem2_2.0-r0.115_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | devmem2_2.0.bb | |||||
dma-heap-tests | 1.0-r0.189 | Apache-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | dma-heap-tests_1.0-r0.189_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | dma-heap-tests.bb | |||||
docker-ce-cli | 20.10.25-ce+git791d8ab87747169b4cbfcdf2fd57c81952bae6d5 | Apache-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | docker-ce-cli_20.10.25-ce+git791d8ab87747169b4cbfcdf2fd57c81952bae6d5-r0.arago0_tisdk_0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | docker-ce_git.bb | |||||
docker-ce | 20.10.25-ce+git791d8ab87747169b4cbfcdf2fd57c81952bae6d5 | Apache-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | docker-ce_20.10.25-ce+git791d8ab87747169b4cbfcdf2fd57c81952bae6d5-r0.arago0_tisdk_0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | docker-ce_git.bb | |||||
dosfstools | 4.2-r0.119 | GPL-3.0-only | Binary | No | Location | dosfstools_4.2-r0.119_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | dosfstools_4.2.bb | |||||
dropbear | 2020.81-r0.56 | MIT & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-2-Clause & PD | Binary | No | Location | dropbear_2020.81-r0.56_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | dropbear_2020.81.bb | |||||
e2fsprogs-badblocks | 1.46.5-r0.103 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | e2fsprogs-badblocks_1.46.5-r0.103_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | e2fsprogs_1.46.5.bb | |||||
e2fsprogs | 1.46.5-r0.103 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.0-only & BSD-3-Clause & MIT | Binary | No | Location | e2fsprogs_1.46.5-r0.103_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | e2fsprogs_1.46.5.bb | |||||
kernel-module-nci-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-nci-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-net1080-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-net1080-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-nfc-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-nfc-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-nf-conntrack-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-nf-conntrack-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-nf-conntrack-ftp-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-nf-conntrack-ftp-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-nf-conntrack-tftp-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-nf-conntrack-tftp-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-nf-defrag-ipv4-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-nf-defrag-ipv4-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-nf-defrag-ipv6-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-nf-defrag-ipv6-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-nf-log-syslog-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-nf-log-syslog-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-act-skbedit-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-act-skbedit-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-adc-keys-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-adc-keys-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-em-meta-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-em-meta-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-em-nbyte-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-em-nbyte-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-em-text-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-em-text-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-em-u32-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-em-u32-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-extcon-ptn5150-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-extcon-ptn5150-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-fb-sys-fops-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-fb-sys-fops-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ff-memless-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ff-memless-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-taglib | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-taglib_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-udp | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-udp_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-video4linux2 | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-video4linux2_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-videobox | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-videobox_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-videocrop | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-videocrop_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-videofilter | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-videofilter_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-videomixer | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-videomixer_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-wavenc | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-wavenc_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-wavparse | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-wavparse_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
kernel-module-qrtr-tun-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-qrtr-tun-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-r8152-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-r8152-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-r8153-ecm-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-r8153-ecm-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-r8169-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-r8169-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-raid6-pq-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-raid6-pq-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-raid-class-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-raid-class-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-regmap-sdw-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-regmap-sdw-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-rfkill-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-rfkill-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-rmnet-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-rmnet-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
attr | 2.5.1-r0.188 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | attr_2.5.1-r0.188_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | attr_2.5.1.bb | |||||
iptables-module-ipt-masquerade | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-ipt-masquerade_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-ipt-netmap | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-ipt-netmap_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-ipt-realm | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-ipt-realm_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-ipt-redirect | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-ipt-redirect_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-ipt-reject | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-ipt-reject_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-ipt-snat | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-ipt-snat_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-ipt-ttl | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-ipt-ttl_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-ipt-ulog | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-ipt-ulog_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-modules | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-modules_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-addrtype | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-addrtype_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-audit | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-audit_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-bpf | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-bpf_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
kernel-module-usb-f-obex-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-usb-f-obex-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-usb-f-rndis-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-usb-f-rndis-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-usb-f-serial-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-usb-f-serial-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-usb-f-ss-lb-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-usb-f-ss-lb-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-usbnet-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-usbnet-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-usbserial-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-usbserial-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-usb-wwan-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-usb-wwan-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-u-serial-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-u-serial-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-uvcvideo-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-uvcvideo-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-openssl | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-openssl_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
v4l-utils | 1.24.1-r0.139 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | v4l-utils_1.24.1-r0.139_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | v4l-utils_1.24.1.bb | |||||
vala | 0.56.3-r0.97 | LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | vala_0.56.3-r0.97_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | vala_0.56.3.bb | |||||
vala-dev | 0.56.3-r0.97 | LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | vala-dev_0.56.3-r0.97_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | vala_0.56.3.bb | |||||
volatile-binds | 1.0-r0.93 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | volatile-binds_1.0-r0.93_all.ipk |
Obtained from | volatile-binds.bb | |||||
util-macros-dev | 1:1.19.3-r0.85 | MIT & MIT | Binary | No | Location | util-macros-dev_1:1.19.3-r0.85_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-macros_1.19.3.bb | |||||
uvc-gadget | 1.1+git0+aa82df887a-r0.181 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | uvc-gadget_1.1+git0+aa82df887a-r0.181_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | uvc-gadget_git.bb | |||||
volatile-binds-dev | 1.0-r0.93 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | volatile-binds-dev_1.0-r0.93_all.ipk |
Obtained from | volatile-binds.bb | |||||
vulkan-cts | | Apache-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | vulkan-cts_1.3.3.1-r0.514_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | vulkan-cts_1.3.3.1.bb | |||||
vulkan-headers | | Apache-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | vulkan-headers_1.3.204.1-r0.30_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | vulkan-headers_1.3.204.1.bb | |||||
vulkan-headers-dev | | Apache-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | vulkan-headers-dev_1.3.204.1-r0.30_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | vulkan-headers_1.3.204.1.bb | |||||
watchdog-config | 1.0-r0.1 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | watchdog-config_1.0-r0.1_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | watchdog-config.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-module-card-restore | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-module-card-restore_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-pem | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-pem_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-pgp | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-pgp_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-pkcs12 | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-pkcs12_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-pkcs1 | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-pkcs1_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-pkcs7 | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-pkcs7_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-pkcs8 | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-pkcs8_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-pubkey | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-pubkey_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-random | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-random_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-rc2 | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-rc2_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
websocketd | 0.4.1-r0.172 | BSD-2-Clause | Binary | No | Location | websocketd_0.4.1-r0.172_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | websocketd_0.4.1.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-module-device-restore | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-module-device-restore_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-module-filter-apply | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-module-filter-apply_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-module-cli-protocol-unix | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-module-cli-protocol-unix_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-module-default-device-restore | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-module-default-device-restore_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-module-filter-heuristics | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-module-filter-heuristics_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-module-intended-roles | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-module-intended-roles_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-module-loopback | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-module-loopback_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-module-native-protocol-unix | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-module-native-protocol-unix_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-module-null-sink | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-module-null-sink_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-sha1 | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-sha1_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-sha2 | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-sha2_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
mtd-utils | 2.1.5-r0.arago1_tisdk_0.6 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | mtd-utils_2.1.5-r0.arago1_tisdk_0.6_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | mtd-utils_git.bb | |||||
mtd-utils-ubifs | 2.1.5-r0.arago1_tisdk_0.6 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | mtd-utils-ubifs_2.1.5-r0.arago1_tisdk_0.6_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | mtd-utils_git.bb | |||||
ncurses-terminfo-base | 6.3+20220423-r0.94 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | ncurses-terminfo-base_6.3+20220423-r0.94_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | ncurses_6.3+20220423.bb | |||||
ncurses-terminfo | 6.3+20220423-r0.94 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | ncurses-terminfo_6.3+20220423-r0.94_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | ncurses_6.3+20220423.bb | |||||
ncurses-tools | 6.3+20220423-r0.94 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | ncurses-tools_6.3+20220423-r0.94_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | ncurses_6.3+20220423.bb | |||||
netbase | 1:6.3-r0.39 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | netbase_1:6.3-r0.39_all.ipk |
Obtained from | netbase_6.3.bb | |||||
netkit-ftp | 0.17-r0.120 | BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | netkit-ftp_0.17-r0.120_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | netkit-ftp_0.17.bb | |||||
netopeer2-server | 2.1.59+git0+b81788d9a8-r0.57 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | netopeer2-server_2.1.59+git0+b81788d9a8-r0.57_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | netopeer2-server_git.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-module-role-cork | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-module-role-cork_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-module-stream-restore | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-module-stream-restore_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-module-suspend-on-idle | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-module-suspend-on-idle_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
libqt5virtualkeyboard5 | 5.15.7+git0+d8b87cbb28-r0.980 | GPL-3.0-only or The-Qt-Company-Commercial | Binary | No | Location | libqt5virtualkeyboard5_5.15.7+git0+d8b87cbb28-r0.980_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | qtvirtualkeyboard_git.bb | |||||
libqt5serialport-qmlplugins | 5.15.7+git0+cf4e7a066f-r0.782 | GFDL-1.3 & BSD-3-Clause & ( GPL-3.0-only & The-Qt-Company-GPL-Exception-1.0 or The-Qt-Company-Commercial ) & ( GPL-2.0-or-later or LGPL-3.0-only or The-Qt-Company-Commercial ) | Binary | No | Location | libqt5serialport-qmlplugins_5.15.7+git0+cf4e7a066f-r0.782_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | qtserialport_git.bb | |||||
libqt5svg5 | 5.15.7+git0+a5d2402512-r0.787 | GFDL-1.3 & BSD-3-Clause & ( GPL-3.0-only & The-Qt-Company-GPL-Exception-1.0 or The-Qt-Company-Commercial ) & ( GPL-2.0-or-later or LGPL-3.0-only or The-Qt-Company-Commercial ) | Binary | No | Location | libqt5svg5_5.15.7+git0+a5d2402512-r0.787_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | qtsvg_git.bb | |||||
libqt5virtualkeyboard-plugins | 5.15.7+git0+d8b87cbb28-r0.980 | GPL-3.0-only or The-Qt-Company-Commercial | Binary | No | Location | libqt5virtualkeyboard-plugins_5.15.7+git0+d8b87cbb28-r0.980_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | qtvirtualkeyboard_git.bb | |||||
libqt5virtualkeyboard-qmlplugins | 5.15.7+git0+d8b87cbb28-r0.980 | GPL-3.0-only or The-Qt-Company-Commercial | Binary | No | Location | libqt5virtualkeyboard-qmlplugins_5.15.7+git0+d8b87cbb28-r0.980_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | qtvirtualkeyboard_git.bb | |||||
libqt5webchannel5 | 5.15.7+git0+a4b41a45a0-r0.772 | GFDL-1.3 & BSD-3-Clause & ( GPL-3.0-only & The-Qt-Company-GPL-Exception-1.0 or The-Qt-Company-Commercial ) & ( GPL-2.0-or-later or LGPL-3.0-only or The-Qt-Company-Commercial ) | Binary | No | Location | libqt5webchannel5_5.15.7+git0+a4b41a45a0-r0.772_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | qtwebchannel_git.bb | |||||
net-snmp | 5.9.3-r0.25 | BSD-3-Clause & MIT | Binary | No | Location | net-snmp_5.9.3-r0.25_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | net-snmp_5.9.3.bb | |||||
net-snmp-libs | 5.9.3-r0.25 | BSD-3-Clause & MIT | Binary | No | Location | net-snmp-libs_5.9.3-r0.25_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | net-snmp_5.9.3.bb | |||||
net-snmp-mibs | 5.9.3-r0.25 | BSD-3-Clause & MIT | Binary | No | Location | net-snmp-mibs_5.9.3-r0.25_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | net-snmp_5.9.3.bb | |||||
net-snmp-server-snmpd | 5.9.3-r0.25 | BSD-3-Clause & MIT | Binary | No | Location | net-snmp-server-snmpd_5.9.3-r0.25_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | net-snmp_5.9.3.bb | |||||
libreadline8 | 8.1.2-r0.58 | GPL-3.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libreadline8_8.1.2-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | readline_8.1.2.bb | |||||
libreadline-dev | 8.1.2-r0.58 | GPL-3.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libreadline-dev_8.1.2-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | readline_8.1.2.bb | |||||
librsvg-2-2 | 2.52.10-r0.223 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | librsvg-2-2_2.52.10-r0.223_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | librsvg_2.52.10.bb | |||||
librsvg-2-dev | 2.52.10-r0.223 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | librsvg-2-dev_2.52.10-r0.223_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | librsvg_2.52.10.bb | |||||
libqt5webchannel-plugins | 5.15.7+git0+a4b41a45a0-r0.772 | GFDL-1.3 & BSD-3-Clause & ( GPL-3.0-only & The-Qt-Company-GPL-Exception-1.0 or The-Qt-Company-Commercial ) & ( GPL-2.0-or-later or LGPL-3.0-only or The-Qt-Company-Commercial ) | Binary | No | Location | libqt5webchannel-plugins_5.15.7+git0+a4b41a45a0-r0.772_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | qtwebchannel_git.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-overlaycomposition | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-overlaycomposition_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-pango | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-pango_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-pbtypes | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-pbtypes_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-playback | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-playback_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-rawparse | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-rawparse_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-subparse | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-subparse_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-tcp | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-tcp_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-theora | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-theora_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-typefindfunctions | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-typefindfunctions_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-videoconvert | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-videoconvert_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
kernel-module-of-fpga-region-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-of-fpga-region-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-omap-rng-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-omap-rng-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-optee-rng-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-optee-rng-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-option-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-option-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ov2312-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ov2312-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ov5640-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ov5640-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ov5645-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ov5645-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-overlay-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-overlay-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-p8022-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-p8022-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
gdb | 11.2-r0.61 | GPL-2.0-only & GPL-3.0-only & LGPL-2.0-only & LGPL-3.0-only | Binary | No | Location | gdb_11.2-r0.61_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gdb_11.2.bb | |||||
gdbserver | 11.2-r0.61 | GPL-2.0-only & GPL-3.0-only & LGPL-2.0-only & LGPL-3.0-only | Binary | No | Location | gdbserver_11.2-r0.61_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gdb_11.2.bb | |||||
gettext | 0.21-r0.64 | GPL-3.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gettext_0.21-r0.64_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gettext_0.21.bb | |||||
kernel-module-fpga-bridge-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-fpga-bridge-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-fpga-region-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-fpga-region-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
libgmp10 | 6.2.1-r0.192 | GPL-2.0-or-later or LGPL-3.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libgmp10_6.2.1-r0.192_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gmp_6.2.1.bb | |||||
libgnutls30 | 3.7.4-r0.arago0.52 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libgnutls30_3.7.4-r0.arago0.52_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gnutls_3.7.4.bb | |||||
libgpiod2 | 1.6.3-r0.69 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libgpiod2_1.6.3-r0.69_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libgpiod_1.6.3.bb | |||||
libgpiod-tools | 1.6.3-r0.69 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libgpiod-tools_1.6.3-r0.69_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libgpiod_1.6.3.bb | |||||
libgstadaptivedemux-1.0-0 | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libgstadaptivedemux-1.0-0_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
libgstallocators-1.0-0 | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libgstallocators-1.0-0_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
libgstapp-1.0-0 | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libgstapp-1.0-0_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
libgstaudio-1.0-0 | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libgstaudio-1.0-0_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
libgstbadaudio-1.0-0 | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libgstbadaudio-1.0-0_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ath11k-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ath11k-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ath11k-ahb-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ath11k-ahb-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ath11k-pci-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ath11k-pci-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ath-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ath-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-atl1c-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-atl1c-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-atmel-mxt-ts-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-atmel-mxt-ts-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ax88179-178a-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ax88179-178a-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ax88796b-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ax88796b-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-bcm7xxx-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-bcm7xxx-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-rng-core-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-rng-core-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-rpi-panel-attiny-regulator-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-rpi-panel-attiny-regulator-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-rpmsg-char-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-rpmsg-char-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-rpmsg-client-sample-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-rpmsg-client-sample-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-rpmsg-ctrl-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-rpmsg-ctrl-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-rpmsg-ns-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-rpmsg-ns-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-rpmsg-pru-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-rpmsg-pru-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-rtc-bq32k-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-rtc-bq32k-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-rtc-ds1307-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-rtc-ds1307-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
attr-dev | 2.5.1-r0.188 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | attr-dev_2.5.1-r0.188_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | attr_2.5.1.bb | |||||
autoconf | 2.71-r0.110 | GPL-3.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | autoconf_2.71-r0.110_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | autoconf_2.71.bb | |||||
automake | 1.16.5-r0.116 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | automake_1.16.5-r0.116_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | automake_1.16.5.bb | |||||
avahi-daemon | 0.8-r0.292 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | avahi-daemon_0.8-r0.292_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | avahi_0.8.bb | |||||
avahi-dev | 0.8-r0.292 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | avahi-dev_0.8-r0.292_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | avahi_0.8.bb | |||||
avahi-utils | 0.8-r0.292 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | avahi-utils_0.8-r0.292_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | avahi_0.8.bb | |||||
base-files | 3.0.14-r89.arago4.78 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | base-files_3.0.14-r89.arago4.78_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | base-files_3.0.14.bb | |||||
base-files-dev | 3.0.14-r89.arago4.78 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | base-files-dev_3.0.14-r89.arago4.78_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | base-files_3.0.14.bb | |||||
base-passwd | 3.5.29-r0.47 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | base-passwd_3.5.29-r0.47_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | base-passwd_3.5.29.bb | |||||
base-passwd-dev | 3.5.29-r0.47 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | base-passwd-dev_3.5.29-r0.47_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | base-passwd_3.5.29.bb | |||||
bash-completion | 2.11-r0.188 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | bash-completion_2.11-r0.188_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | bash-completion_2.11.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-pnm | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-pnm_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
kernel-module-cdns-dsi-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-cdns-dsi-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-cdns-mhdp8546-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-cdns-mhdp8546-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-cdns-pltfrm-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-cdns-pltfrm-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-cdns-usb-common-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-cdns-usb-common-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-cfg80211-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-cfg80211-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ch7006-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ch7006-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-chacha-neon-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-chacha-neon-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-cls-basic-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-cls-basic-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-cls-cgroup-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-cls-cgroup-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-v4l2-async-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-v4l2-async-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-v4l2-dv-timings-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-v4l2-dv-timings-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-v4l2-fwnode-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-v4l2-fwnode-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-v4l2-mem2mem-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-v4l2-mem2mem-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-vcnl4000-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-vcnl4000-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-videodev-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-videodev-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
less | 600-r0.53 | GPL-3.0-or-later or BSD-2-Clause | Binary | No | Location | less_600-r0.53_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | less_600.bb | |||||
libacl1 | 2.3.1-r0.193 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libacl1_2.3.1-r0.193_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | acl_2.3.1.bb | |||||
libaio1 | 0.3.112-r0.48 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libaio1_0.3.112-r0.48_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libaio_0.3.112.bb | |||||
libarchive | 3.6.2-r0.166 | BSD-2-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libarchive_3.6.2-r0.166_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libarchive_3.6.2.bb | |||||
watchdog | 5.16-r1.1 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | watchdog_5.16-r1.1_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | watchdog_5.16.bb | |||||
weston | 10.0.2-r0.arago1_tisdk_0.47 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | weston_10.0.2-r0.arago1_tisdk_0.47_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | weston_10.0.2.bb | |||||
weston-examples | 10.0.2-r0.arago1_tisdk_0.47 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | weston-examples_10.0.2-r0.arago1_tisdk_0.47_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | weston_10.0.2.bb | |||||
weston-init | 1.0-r0.arago12_tisdk_0.3 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | weston-init_1.0-r0.arago12_tisdk_0.3_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | weston-init.bb | |||||
wayland | 1.20.0-r0.64 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | wayland_1.20.0-r0.64_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | wayland_1.20.0.bb | |||||
wayland-dev | 1.20.0-r0.64 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | wayland-dev_1.20.0-r0.64_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | wayland_1.20.0.bb | |||||
which | 2.21-r3.151 | GPL-3.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | which_2.21-r3.151_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | which_2.21.bb | |||||
wireless-regdb-static | 2023.05.03-r0.26 | ISC | Binary | No | Location | wireless-regdb-static_2023.05.03-r0.26_all.ipk |
Obtained from | wireless-regdb_2023.05.03.bb | |||||
wl18xx-calibrator | 8.7.3-r0.125 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | wl18xx-calibrator_8.7.3-r0.125_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | wl18xx-calibrator_8.7.3.bb | |||||
wl18xx-fw | | TI-TSPA | Binary | No | Location | wl18xx-fw_8. |
Obtained from | wl18xx-fw_8. | |||||
wl18xx-target-scripts | 8.7.3-r1.119 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | wl18xx-target-scripts_8.7.3-r1.119_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | wl18xx-target-scripts_8.7.3.bb | |||||
wlconf | 8.7.3-r0.115 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | wlconf_8.7.3-r0.115_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | wlconf_8.7.3.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-socket-default | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-socket-default_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-sqlite | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-sqlite_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-resolve | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-resolve_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-revocation | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-revocation_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-sshkey | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-sshkey_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-stroke | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-stroke_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-updown | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-updown_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-vici | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-vici_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-x509 | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-x509_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
wpa-supplicant-passphrase | 2.10-r0.195 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | wpa-supplicant-passphrase_2.10-r0.195_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | wpa-supplicant_2.10.bb | |||||
xcb-proto-dev | 1.14.1-r0.29 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | xcb-proto-dev_1.14.1-r0.29_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | xcb-proto_1.14.1.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-module-switch-on-port-available | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-module-switch-on-port-available_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-module-position-event-sounds | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-module-position-event-sounds_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-module-rescue-streams | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-module-rescue-streams_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-module-systemd-login | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-module-systemd-login_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-module-udev-detect | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-module-udev-detect_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-module-x11-cork-request | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-module-x11-cork-request_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-module-x11-publish | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-module-x11-publish_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-module-x11-xsmp | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-module-x11-xsmp_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
sudo | 1.9.15p2-r0.0 | ISC & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-2-Clause & Zlib | Binary | No | Location | sudo_1.9.15p2-r0.0_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | sudo_1.9.15p2.bb | |||||
sudo-lib | 1.9.15p2-r0.0 | ISC & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-2-Clause & Zlib | Binary | No | Location | sudo-lib_1.9.15p2-r0.0_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | sudo_1.9.15p2.bb | |||||
sudo-sudo | 1.9.15p2-r0.0 | ISC & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-2-Clause & Zlib | Binary | No | Location | sudo-sudo_1.9.15p2-r0.0_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | sudo_1.9.15p2.bb | |||||
netperf | 2.7.0+git0+3bc455b23f-r0.120 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | netperf_2.7.0+git0+3bc455b23f-r0.120_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | netperf_git.bb | |||||
net-snmp-client | 5.9.3-r0.25 | BSD-3-Clause & MIT | Binary | No | Location | net-snmp-client_5.9.3-r0.25_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | net-snmp_5.9.3.bb | |||||
nettle | 3.7.3-r0.52 | LGPL-3.0-or-later or GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | nettle_3.7.3-r0.52_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | nettle_3.7.3.bb | |||||
net-tools | 2.10-r0.145 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | net-tools_2.10-r0.145_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | net-tools_2.10.bb | |||||
net-tools-mii-tool | 2.10-r0.145 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | net-tools-mii-tool_2.10-r0.145_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | net-tools_2.10.bb | |||||
nfs-utils-client | 2.6.1-r0.59 | MIT & GPL-2.0-or-later & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | nfs-utils-client_2.6.1-r0.59_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | nfs-utils_2.6.1.bb | |||||
nfs-utils-mount | 2.6.1-r0.59 | MIT & GPL-2.0-or-later & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | nfs-utils-mount_2.6.1-r0.59_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | nfs-utils_2.6.1.bb | |||||
nodejs | 16.20.2-r0.39 | MIT & ISC & BSD-2-Clause & BSD-3-Clause & Artistic-2.0 & OpenSSL | Binary | No | Location | nodejs_16.20.2-r0.39_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | nodejs_16.20.2.bb | |||||
python3-asyncio | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-asyncio_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-audio | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-audio_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-codecs | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-codecs_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-compile | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-compile_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
libqt5webchannel-qmlplugins | 5.15.7+git0+a4b41a45a0-r0.772 | GFDL-1.3 & BSD-3-Clause & ( GPL-3.0-only & The-Qt-Company-GPL-Exception-1.0 or The-Qt-Company-Commercial ) & ( GPL-2.0-or-later or LGPL-3.0-only or The-Qt-Company-Commercial ) | Binary | No | Location | libqt5webchannel-qmlplugins_5.15.7+git0+a4b41a45a0-r0.772_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | qtwebchannel_git.bb | |||||
libsamplerate0 | 0.2.2-r0.182 | BSD-2-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libsamplerate0_0.2.2-r0.182_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libsamplerate0_0.2.2.bb | |||||
libsbc1 | 1.5-r0.49 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libsbc1_1.5-r0.49_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | sbc_1.5.bb | |||||
libsbc-dev | 1.5-r0.49 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libsbc-dev_1.5-r0.49_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | sbc_1.5.bb | |||||
libseccomp | 2.5.3-r0.51 | LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | libseccomp_2.5.3-r0.51_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libseccomp_2.5.3.bb | |||||
libseccomp-dev | 2.5.3-r0.51 | LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | libseccomp-dev_2.5.3-r0.51_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libseccomp_2.5.3.bb | |||||
libsm6 | 1:1.2.3-r0.40 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | libsm6_1:1.2.3-r0.40_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libsm_1.2.3.bb | |||||
nw-configurator | 1.0-r0.54 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | nw-configurator_1.0-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | nw-configurator.bb | |||||
ofono | 1.34-r0.126 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | ofono_1.34-r0.126_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | ofono_1.34.bb | |||||
ofono-dev | 1.34-r0.126 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | ofono-dev_1.34-r0.126_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | ofono_1.34.bb | |||||
oob-demo | 1.0-r1.0 | TI-TSPA | Binary | No | Location | oob-demo_1.0-r1.0_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | oob-demo.bb | |||||
nodejs-npm | 16.20.2-r0.39 | MIT & ISC & BSD-2-Clause & BSD-3-Clause & Artistic-2.0 & OpenSSL | Binary | No | Location | nodejs-npm_16.20.2-r0.39_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | nodejs_16.20.2.bb | |||||
libsndfile1 | 1.0.31-r0.53 | LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | libsndfile1_1.0.31-r0.53_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libsndfile1_1.0.31.bb | |||||
libsndfile-dev | 1.0.31-r0.53 | LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | libsndfile-dev_1.0.31-r0.53_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libsndfile1_1.0.31.bb | |||||
libsolv1 | 0.7.22-r0.75 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libsolv1_0.7.22-r0.75_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libsolv_0.7.22.bb | |||||
libsoup-2.4 | 2.74.2-r0.66 | LGPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | libsoup-2.4_2.74.2-r0.66_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libsoup-2.4_2.74.2.bb | |||||
libsmartcols1 | 2.37.4-r0.54 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libsmartcols1_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
libsm-dev | 1:1.2.3-r0.40 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | libsm-dev_1:1.2.3-r0.40_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libsm_1.2.3.bb | |||||
libsoup-2.4-dev | 2.74.2-r0.66 | LGPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | libsoup-2.4-dev_2.74.2-r0.66_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libsoup-2.4_2.74.2.bb | |||||
libspeex1 | 1.2.0-r0.50 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libspeex1_1.2.0-r0.50_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | speex_1.2.0.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-physdev | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-physdev_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-pkttype | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-pkttype_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-policy | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-policy_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-quota | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-quota_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-rateest | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-rateest_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-recent | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-recent_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-rpfilter | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-rpfilter_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-sctp | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-sctp_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-secmark | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-secmark_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-set | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-set_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-socket | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-socket_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-standard | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-standard_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
kernel-module-phy-omap-usb2-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-phy-omap-usb2-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-vctrl-regulator-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-vctrl-regulator-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-veth-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-veth-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-videobuf2-common-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-videobuf2-common-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-videobuf2-dma-contig-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-videobuf2-dma-contig-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-videobuf2-dma-sg-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-videobuf2-dma-sg-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-videobuf2-memops-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-videobuf2-memops-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-videobuf2-v4l2-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-videobuf2-v4l2-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-videobuf2-vmalloc-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-videobuf2-vmalloc-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
git | 2.35.7-r0.53 | GPL-2.0-only & GPL-2.0-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & MIT & BSL-1.0 & LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | git_2.35.7-r0.53_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | git_2.35.7.bb | |||||
glibc-gconv | 2.35-r0.47 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | glibc-gconv_2.35-r0.47_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | glibc-locale_2.35.bb | |||||
glibc-gconv-iso8859-1 | 2.35-r0.47 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | glibc-gconv-iso8859-1_2.35-r0.47_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | glibc-locale_2.35.bb | |||||
glibc-gconv-utf-16 | 2.35-r0.47 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | glibc-gconv-utf-16_2.35-r0.47_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | glibc-locale_2.35.bb | |||||
glibc-mtrace | 2.35-r0.44 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | glibc-mtrace_2.35-r0.44_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | glibc-mtrace_2.35.bb | |||||
glib-networking | 2.72.2-r0.62 | LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | glib-networking_2.72.2-r0.62_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | glib-networking_2.72.2.bb | |||||
glmark2 | 2021.12-r0.559 | GPL-3.0-or-later & SGI-1 | Binary | No | Location | glmark2_2021.12-r0.559_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | glmark2_git.bb | |||||
glslang | 1: | BSD-3-Clause & BSD-2-Clause & MIT & Apache-2.0 & GPL-3-with-bison-exception | Binary | No | Location | glslang_1: |
Obtained from | glslang_1.3.204.1.bb | |||||
gnu-config | 20211108+git0+191bcb948f-r0.31 | GPL-3.0-with-autoconf-exception | Binary | No | Location | gnu-config_20211108+git0+191bcb948f-r0.31_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gnu-config_git.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-deinterlace | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-deinterlace_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-dev | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-dev_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
libgstbasecamerabinsrc-1.0-0 | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libgstbasecamerabinsrc-1.0-0_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
libgstcodecparsers-1.0-0 | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libgstcodecparsers-1.0-0_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
libgstrtp-1.0-0 | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libgstrtp-1.0-0_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
libgstrtsp-1.0-0 | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libgstrtsp-1.0-0_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
libgstsctp-1.0-0 | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libgstsctp-1.0-0_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
libgstsdp-1.0-0 | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libgstsdp-1.0-0_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
libgsttag-1.0-0 | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libgsttag-1.0-0_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
libgsttranscoder-1.0-0 | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libgsttranscoder-1.0-0_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
libgsturidownloader-1.0-0 | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libgsturidownloader-1.0-0_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
libgstvideo-1.0-0 | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libgstvideo-1.0-0_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
kernel-module-hbmc-am654-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-hbmc-am654-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-hci-uart-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-hci-uart-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-hd3ss3220-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-hd3ss3220-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-hid-multitouch-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-hid-multitouch-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-hidp-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-hidp-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-hsr-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-hsr-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-hyperbus-core-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-hyperbus-core-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-i2c-atr-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-i2c-atr-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-i2c-gpio-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-i2c-gpio-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-rtc-hym8563-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-rtc-hym8563-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-rtc-m41t80-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-rtc-m41t80-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-rtc-mt6397-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-rtc-mt6397-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-rtc-pcf2127-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-rtc-pcf2127-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-rtc-pcf85063-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-rtc-pcf85063-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-rtc-pcf85363-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-rtc-pcf85363-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-rtc-rk808-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-rtc-rk808-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-proxy | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-proxy_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-removesilence | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-removesilence_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-rfbsrc | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-rfbsrc_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-rist | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-rist_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-rsvg | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-rsvg_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-rtmp2 | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-rtmp2_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-rtpmanagerbad | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-rtpmanagerbad_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-rtponvif | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-rtponvif_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-sbc | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-sbc_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-ip6t-redirect | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-ip6t-redirect_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
kernel-module-jc42-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-jc42-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-k3-bandgap-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-k3-bandgap-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-k3-j72xx-bandgap-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-k3-j72xx-bandgap-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-kfifo-buf-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-kfifo-buf-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-lan78xx-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-lan78xx-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-led-class-multicolor-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-led-class-multicolor-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-leds-lm3692x-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-leds-lm3692x-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-leds-pca9532-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-leds-pca9532-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-libarc4-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-libarc4-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
libasm1 | 0.186-r0.60 | GPL-2.0-only or LGPL-3.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libasm1_0.186-r0.60_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | elfutils_0.186.bb | |||||
libasound2 | | LGPL-2.1-only & GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libasound2_1.2.6.1-r0.52_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | alsa-lib_1.2.6.1.bb | |||||
libasound-dev | | LGPL-2.1-only & GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libasound-dev_1.2.6.1-r0.52_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | alsa-lib_1.2.6.1.bb | |||||
libatk-1.0-0 | 2.38.0-r0.63 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libatk-1.0-0_2.38.0-r0.63_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | atk_2.38.0.bb | |||||
libatk-bridge-2.0-0 | 2.38.0-r0.101 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libatk-bridge-2.0-0_2.38.0-r0.101_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | at-spi2-atk_2.38.0.bb | |||||
libatomic1 | 11.4.0-r0.9 | GPL-3.0-with-GCC-exception | Binary | No | Location | libatomic1_11.4.0-r0.9_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gcc-runtime_11.4.bb | |||||
libatomic-dev | 11.4.0-r0.9 | GPL-3.0-with-GCC-exception | Binary | No | Location | libatomic-dev_11.4.0-r0.9_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gcc-runtime_11.4.bb | |||||
libavfilter8 | 5.0.1-r0.arago0.56 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libavfilter8_5.0.1-r0.arago0.56_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | ffmpeg_5.0.1.bb | |||||
libavformat59 | 5.0.1-r0.arago0.56 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libavformat59_5.0.1-r0.arago0.56_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | ffmpeg_5.0.1.bb | |||||
libavutil57 | 5.0.1-r0.arago0.56 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libavutil57_5.0.1-r0.arago0.56_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | ffmpeg_5.0.1.bb | |||||
libbfd | 2.38-r0.66 | GPL-3.0-only | Binary | No | Location | libbfd_2.38-r0.66_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | binutils_2.38.bb | |||||
libblkid1 | 2.37.4-r0.54 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libblkid1_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
xcb-util-wm | 0.4.1-r0.30 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | xcb-util-wm_0.4.1-r0.30_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | xcb-util-wm_0.4.1.bb | |||||
xkeyboard-config | 2.35.1-r0.49 | MIT & MIT | Binary | No | Location | xkeyboard-config_2.35.1-r0.49_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | xkeyboard-config_2.35.1.bb | |||||
wpa-supplicant-cli | 2.10-r0.195 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | wpa-supplicant-cli_2.10-r0.195_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | wpa-supplicant_2.10.bb | |||||
wpa-supplicant | 2.10-r0.195 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | wpa-supplicant_2.10-r0.195_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | wpa-supplicant_2.10.bb | |||||
xkeyboard-config-dev | 2.35.1-r0.49 | MIT & MIT | Binary | No | Location | xkeyboard-config-dev_2.35.1-r0.49_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | xkeyboard-config_2.35.1.bb | |||||
xorgproto-dev | 2021.5-r0.29 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | xorgproto-dev_2021.5-r0.29_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | xorgproto_2021.5.bb | |||||
xrandr | 1:1.5.1-r0.37 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | xrandr_1:1.5.1-r0.37_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | xrandr_1.5.1.bb | |||||
xrandr-dev | 1:1.5.1-r0.37 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | xrandr-dev_1:1.5.1-r0.37_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | xrandr_1.5.1.bb | |||||
xtrans-dev | 1:1.4.0-r0.99 | MIT & MIT | Binary | No | Location | xtrans-dev_1:1.4.0-r0.99_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | xtrans_1.4.0.bb | |||||
xz | 5.2.6-r0.53 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | xz_5.2.6-r0.53_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | xz_5.2.6.bb | |||||
switch-config | 2.0-r5.114 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | switch-config_2.0-r5.114_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | switch-config_git.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-xauth-generic | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-xauth-generic_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
strongswan-plugin-xcbc | 5.9.6-r0.arago4.95 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | strongswan-plugin-xcbc_5.9.6-r0.arago4.95_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | strongswan_5.9.6.bb | |||||
sysrepo | 2.2.71+git0+b828f0ab46-r0.79 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | sysrepo_2.2.71+git0+b828f0ab46-r0.79_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | sysrepo_git.bb | |||||
systemd-compat-units | 1.0-r29.89 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | systemd-compat-units_1.0-r29.89_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | systemd-compat-units.bb | |||||
systemd-compat-units-dev | 1.0-r29.89 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | systemd-compat-units-dev_1.0-r29.89_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | systemd-compat-units.bb | |||||
systemd-conf | 1:1.0-r0.94 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | systemd-conf_1:1.0-r0.94_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | systemd-conf_1.0.bb | |||||
systemd | 1:250.5-r0.arago7_tisdk_0.4 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | systemd_1:250.5-r0.arago7_tisdk_0.4_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | systemd_250.5.bb | |||||
systemd-dev | 1:250.5-r0.arago7_tisdk_0.4 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | systemd-dev_1:250.5-r0.arago7_tisdk_0.4_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | systemd_250.5.bb | |||||
zstd | 1.5.2-r0.98 | BSD-3-Clause & GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | zstd_1.5.2-r0.98_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | zstd_1.5.2.bb | |||||
zstd-dev | 1.5.2-r0.98 | BSD-3-Clause & GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | zstd-dev_1.5.2-r0.98_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | zstd_1.5.2.bb | |||||
pulseaudio-server | 15.0-r0.131 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & MIT & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | pulseaudio-server_15.0-r0.131_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | pulseaudio_15.0.bb | |||||
python3-2to3 | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-2to3_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-compression | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-compression_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-core | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-core_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-crypt | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-crypt_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-ctypes | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-ctypes_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-curses | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-curses_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-datetime | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-datetime_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
systemd-udev-rules | 1:250.5-r0.arago7_tisdk_0.4 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | systemd-udev-rules_1:250.5-r0.arago7_tisdk_0.4_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | systemd_250.5.bb | |||||
systemd-vconsole-setup | 1:250.5-r0.arago7_tisdk_0.4 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | systemd-vconsole-setup_1:250.5-r0.arago7_tisdk_0.4_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | systemd_250.5.bb | |||||
tar | 1.35-r0.2 | GPL-3.0-only | Binary | No | Location | tar_1.35-r0.2_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | tar_1.35.bb | |||||
tcl | 8.6.11-r0.38 | TCL & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | tcl_8.6.11-r0.38_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | tcl_8.6.11.bb | |||||
numactl | 2.0.16-r0.182 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | numactl_2.0.16-r0.182_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | numactl_git.bb | |||||
open62541-examples | 1.0.1+git0+e4309754fc-r0.150 | MPL-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | open62541-examples_1.0.1+git0+e4309754fc-r0.150_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | open62541_git.bb | |||||
open62541-tests | 1.0.1+git0+e4309754fc-r0.150 | MPL-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | open62541-tests_1.0.1+git0+e4309754fc-r0.150_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | open62541_git.bb | |||||
opengl-es-cts | | Apache-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | opengl-es-cts_3.2.9.3-r0.470_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | opengl-es-cts_3.2.9.3.bb | |||||
openntpd | 6.8p1-r0.9 | BSD-3-Clause & ISC | Binary | No | Location | openntpd_6.8p1-r0.9_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | openntpd_6.8p1.bb | |||||
opensc | 0.22.0-r0.51 | LGPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | opensc_0.22.0-r0.51_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | opensc_0.22.0.bb | |||||
openssh-sftp-server | 8.9p1-r0.70 | BSD-2-Clause & BSD-3-Clause & ISC & MIT | Binary | No | Location | openssh-sftp-server_8.9p1-r0.70_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | openssh_8.9p1.bb | |||||
python3-dbus-dev | 1.2.18-r0.116 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | python3-dbus-dev_1.2.18-r0.116_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3-dbus_1.2.18.bb | |||||
python3-debugger | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-debugger_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-dev | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-dev_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-difflib | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-difflib_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-db | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-db_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
libspeex-dev | 1.2.0-r0.50 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libspeex-dev_1.2.0-r0.50_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | speex_1.2.0.bb | |||||
libspeexdsp1 | 1.2.0-r0.52 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libspeexdsp1_1.2.0-r0.52_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | speexdsp_1.2.0.bb | |||||
libspeexdsp-dev | 1.2.0-r0.52 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libspeexdsp-dev_1.2.0-r0.52_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | speexdsp_1.2.0.bb | |||||
libsqlite3-0 | 3:3.38.5-r0.51 | PD | Binary | No | Location | libsqlite3-0_3:3.38.5-r0.51_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | sqlite3_3.38.5.bb | |||||
openssl | 3.0.12-r0.0 | Apache-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | openssl_3.0.12-r0.0_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | openssl_3.0.12.bb | |||||
openssl-dev | 3.0.12-r0.0 | Apache-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | openssl-dev_3.0.12-r0.0_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | openssl_3.0.12.bb | |||||
openssl-engines | 3.0.12-r0.0 | Apache-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | openssl-engines_3.0.12-r0.0_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | openssl_3.0.12.bb | |||||
openssl-ossl-module-legacy | 3.0.12-r0.0 | Apache-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | openssl-ossl-module-legacy_3.0.12-r0.0_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | openssl_3.0.12.bb | |||||
openssl-bin | 3.0.12-r0.0 | Apache-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | openssl-bin_3.0.12-r0.0_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | openssl_3.0.12.bb | |||||
openssl-conf | 3.0.12-r0.0 | Apache-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | openssl-conf_3.0.12-r0.0_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | openssl_3.0.12.bb | |||||
opkg-arch-config | 1.0-r1.117 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | opkg-arch-config_1.0-r1.117_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | opkg-arch-config_1.0.bb | |||||
opkg-bash-completion | 1.0-r1.115 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | opkg-bash-completion_1.0-r1.115_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | opkg-bash-completion.bb | |||||
libssh4 | 0.9.5-r0.51 | LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | libssh4_0.9.5-r0.51_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libssh_0.9.5.bb | |||||
libssl3 | 3.0.12-r0.0 | Apache-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | libssl3_3.0.12-r0.0_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | openssl_3.0.12.bb | |||||
libstdc++6 | 11.4.0-r0.9 | GPL-3.0-with-GCC-exception | Binary | No | Location | libstdc++6_11.4.0-r0.9_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gcc-runtime_11.4.bb | |||||
libstdc++-dev | 11.4.0-r0.9 | GPL-3.0-with-GCC-exception | Binary | No | Location | libstdc++-dev_11.4.0-r0.9_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gcc-runtime_11.4.bb | |||||
libsqlite3-dev | 3:3.38.5-r0.51 | PD | Binary | No | Location | libsqlite3-dev_3:3.38.5-r0.51_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | sqlite3_3.38.5.bb | |||||
libss2 | 1.46.5-r0.103 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.0-only & BSD-3-Clause & MIT | Binary | No | Location | libss2_1.46.5-r0.103_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | e2fsprogs_1.46.5.bb | |||||
libstd-rs | 1.59.0-r0.49 | MIT or Apache-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | libstd-rs_1.59.0-r0.49_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libstd-rs_1.59.0.bb | |||||
libstd-rs-dev | 1.59.0-r0.49 | MIT or Apache-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | libstd-rs-dev_1.59.0-r0.49_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libstd-rs_1.59.0.bb | |||||
libswresample4 | 5.0.1-r0.arago0.56 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libswresample4_5.0.1-r0.arago0.56_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | ffmpeg_5.0.1.bb | |||||
libswscale6 | 5.0.1-r0.arago0.56 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libswscale6_5.0.1-r0.arago0.56_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | ffmpeg_5.0.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-cuse-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-cuse-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-des-generic-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-des-generic-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-dh-generic-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-dh-generic-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-display-connector-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-display-connector-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-dm9601-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-dm9601-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-dm-bio-prison-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-dm-bio-prison-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-dm-bufio-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-dm-bufio-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-dm-log-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-dm-log-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-dm-mirror-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-dm-mirror-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-dtmf | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-dtmf_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-effectv | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-effectv_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-equalizer | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-equalizer_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-flac | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-flac_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-flv | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-flv_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-flxdec | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-flxdec_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-gdkpixbuf | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-gdkpixbuf_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-goom2k1 | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-goom2k1_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
kernel | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-devicetree | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-devicetree_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
libgstvulkan-1.0-0 | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libgstvulkan-1.0-0_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
libgstwayland-1.0-0 | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libgstwayland-1.0-0_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
libgstwebrtc-1.0-0 | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libgstwebrtc-1.0-0_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
libicutu70 | 70.1-r0.54 | ICU | Binary | No | Location | libicutu70_70.1-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | icu_70.1.bb | |||||
libicuuc70 | 70.1-r0.54 | ICU | Binary | No | Location | libicuuc70_70.1-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | icu_70.1.bb | |||||
libidn2-0 | 2.3.2-r0.52 | (GPL-2.0-or-later or LGPL-3.0-only) & Unicode-DFS-2016 | Binary | No | Location | libidn2-0_2.3.2-r0.52_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libidn2_2.3.2.bb | |||||
libinput10 | 1.19.4-r0.118 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | libinput10_1.19.4-r0.118_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libinput_1.19.4.bb | |||||
libjpeg62 | 1: | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libjpeg62_1: |
Obtained from | libjpeg-turbo_2.1.5.1.bb | |||||
libjpeg-dev | 1: | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libjpeg-dev_1: |
Obtained from | libjpeg-turbo_2.1.5.1.bb | |||||
libjson-c5 | 0.15-r0.2 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | libjson-c5_0.15-r0.2_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | json-c_0.15.bb | |||||
libkmod2 | 29-r0.51 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libkmod2_29-r0.51_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | kmod_29.bb | |||||
libkms1 | 2.4.110-r0.arago3.55 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | libkms1_2.4.110-r0.arago3.55_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libdrm_2.4.110.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-audiomixmatrix | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-audiomixmatrix_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-audiovisualizers | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-audiovisualizers_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-autoconvert | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-autoconvert_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-bayer | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-bayer_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
kernel-module-xxhash-generic-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-xxhash-generic-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-zaurus-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-zaurus-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-selftest | 1.0-r0.395 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-selftest_1.0-r0.395_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | kernel-selftest.bb | |||||
kexec | 2.0.23-r0.34 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kexec_2.0.23-r0.34_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | kexec-tools_2.0.23.bb | |||||
kmod | 29-r0.51 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | kmod_29-r0.51_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | kmod_29.bb | |||||
kmod-dev | 29-r0.51 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | kmod-dev_29-r0.51_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | kmod_29.bb | |||||
kms++ | 2.1-r1.132 | MPL-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | kms++_2.1-r1.132_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | kms++_git.bb | |||||
kms++-python | 2.1-r1.132 | MPL-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | kms++-python_2.1-r1.132_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | kms++_git.bb | |||||
lame | 3.100-r0.118 | LGPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | lame_3.100-r0.118_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | lame_3.100.bb | |||||
lame-dev | 3.100-r0.118 | LGPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | lame-dev_3.100-r0.118_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | lame_3.100.bb | |||||
ldconfig | 2.35-r0.53 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | ldconfig_2.35-r0.53_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | glibc_2.35.bb | |||||
ldd | 2.35-r0.53 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | ldd_2.35-r0.53_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | glibc_2.35.bb | |||||
alsa-utils-aseqdump | 1.2.6-r0.113 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | alsa-utils-aseqdump_1.2.6-r0.113_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | alsa-utils_1.2.6.bb | |||||
alsa-utils-aseqnet | 1.2.6-r0.113 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | alsa-utils-aseqnet_1.2.6-r0.113_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | alsa-utils_1.2.6.bb | |||||
iptables-module-ip6t-reject | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-ip6t-reject_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-ip6t-rt | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-ip6t-rt_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-ip6t-snat | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-ip6t-snat_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-ip6t-snpt | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-ip6t-snpt_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-ip6t-srh | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-ip6t-srh_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-ipt-ah | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-ipt-ah_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-ipt-clusterip | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-ipt-clusterip_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-ipt-dnat | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-ipt-dnat_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-ipt-ecn | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-ipt-ecn_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-ipt-icmp | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-ipt-icmp_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-ipt-log | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-ipt-log_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
kernel-module-tcrypt-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-tcrypt-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-tda998x-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-tda998x-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-thc63lvd1024-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-thc63lvd1024-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ti-ads1015-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ti-ads1015-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ti-am335x-adc-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ti-am335x-adc-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ti-am335x-tscadc-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ti-am335x-tscadc-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ti-cpsw-proxy-client-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ti-cpsw-proxy-client-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-tidss-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-tidss-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ti-ecap-capture-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ti-ecap-capture-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
libboost-atomic1.78.0 | 1.78.0-r0.62 | BSL-1.0 & MIT & Python-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | libboost-atomic1.78.0_1.78.0-r0.62_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | boost_1.78.0.bb | |||||
libboost-chrono1.78.0 | 1.78.0-r0.62 | BSL-1.0 & MIT & Python-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | libboost-chrono1.78.0_1.78.0-r0.62_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | boost_1.78.0.bb | |||||
libboost-container1.78.0 | 1.78.0-r0.62 | BSL-1.0 & MIT & Python-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | libboost-container1.78.0_1.78.0-r0.62_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | boost_1.78.0.bb | |||||
libboost-context1.78.0 | 1.78.0-r0.62 | BSL-1.0 & MIT & Python-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | libboost-context1.78.0_1.78.0-r0.62_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | boost_1.78.0.bb | |||||
libboost-contract1.78.0 | 1.78.0-r0.62 | BSL-1.0 & MIT & Python-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | libboost-contract1.78.0_1.78.0-r0.62_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | boost_1.78.0.bb | |||||
libboost-coroutine1.78.0 | 1.78.0-r0.62 | BSL-1.0 & MIT & Python-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | libboost-coroutine1.78.0_1.78.0-r0.62_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | boost_1.78.0.bb | |||||
libboost-date-time1.78.0 | 1.78.0-r0.62 | BSL-1.0 & MIT & Python-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | libboost-date-time1.78.0_1.78.0-r0.62_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | boost_1.78.0.bb | |||||
cpp-symlinks | 11.4.0-r0.12 | GPL-3.0-with-GCC-exception & GPL-3.0-only | Binary | No | Location | cpp-symlinks_11.4.0-r0.12_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gcc_11.4.bb | |||||
cpuloadgen | 0.93-r1.232 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | cpuloadgen_0.93-r1.232_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | cpuloadgen_git.bb | |||||
cracklib | 2.9.8-r0.70 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | cracklib_2.9.8-r0.70_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | cracklib_2.9.8.bb | |||||
xz-dev | 5.2.6-r0.53 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | xz-dev_5.2.6-r0.53_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | xz_5.2.6.bb | |||||
yavta | 0.0-r2.181 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | yavta_0.0-r2.181_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | yavta_git.bb | |||||
systemd-extra-utils | 1:250.5-r0.arago7_tisdk_0.4 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | systemd-extra-utils_1:250.5-r0.arago7_tisdk_0.4_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | systemd_250.5.bb | |||||
systemd-telnetd | 1.0-r0.2 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | systemd-telnetd_1.0-r0.2_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | systemd-telnetd.bb | |||||
tcpdump | 4.99.4-r0.99 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | tcpdump_4.99.4-r0.99_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | tcpdump_4.99.4.bb | |||||
thermal-init | 1.0-r1.116 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | thermal-init_1.0-r1.116_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | thermal-init.bb | |||||
ti-analytics | 1.0-r0.75 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | ti-analytics_1.0-r0.75_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | ti-analytics.bb | |||||
ti-demos | 1.0-r0.75 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | ti-demos_1.0-r0.75_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | ti-demos.bb | |||||
ti-eth-fw | | TI-TFL | Binary | No | Location | ti-eth-fw_08.02.00.04-r4.0_tisdk_0.3_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | ti-eth-fw.bb | |||||
tini | 0.19.0-r0.120 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | tini_0.19.0-r0.120_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | tini_0.19.0.bb | |||||
python3-dbus | 1.2.18-r0.116 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | python3-dbus_1.2.18-r0.116_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3-dbus_1.2.18.bb | |||||
python3-distutils | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-distutils_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-doctest | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-doctest_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-email | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-email_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-fcntl | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-fcntl_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-html | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-html_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-idle | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-idle_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
ti-test | 1.0-r0.120 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | ti-test_1.0-r0.120_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | ti-test.bb | |||||
ti-test-extras | 1.0-r0.120 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | ti-test-extras_1.0-r0.120_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | ti-test.bb | |||||
tsn-yang-models | 1.0+git0+d3f6ca02ec-r0.43 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | tsn-yang-models_1.0+git0+d3f6ca02ec-r0.43_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | tsn-yang-models_git.bb | |||||
udev | 1:250.5-r0.arago7_tisdk_0.4 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | udev_1:250.5-r0.arago7_tisdk_0.4_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | systemd_250.5.bb | |||||
ti-rpmsg-char-examples | 0.6.3+git0+369ed24324-r0.3 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | ti-rpmsg-char-examples_0.6.3+git0+369ed24324-r0.3_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | ti-rpmsg-char-examples_git.bb | |||||
opkg | 1:0.5.0-r0.50 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | opkg_1:0.5.0-r0.50_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | opkg_0.5.0.bb | |||||
oprofile | 1.4.0-r0.129 | LGPL-2.1-or-later & GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | oprofile_1.4.0-r0.129_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | oprofile_1.4.0.bb | |||||
optee-client | 4.0.0+git0+acb0885c11-r0.0 | BSD-2-Clause | Binary | No | Location | optee-client_4.0.0+git0+acb0885c11-r0.0_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | optee-client_3.16.0.bb | |||||
optee-examples | 4.0.0+git0+378dc0db2d-r0.14 | BSD-2-Clause | Binary | No | Location | optee-examples_4.0.0+git0+378dc0db2d-r0.14_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | optee-examples_3.16.0.bb | |||||
python3-json | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-json_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-logging | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-logging_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-mailbox | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-mailbox_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-mako | 1.1.6-r0.32 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | python3-mako_1.1.6-r0.32_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3-mako_1.1.6.bb | |||||
python3-image | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-image_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-io | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-io_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-math | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-math_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-mime | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-mime_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
libsystemd0 | 1:250.5-r0.arago7_tisdk_0.4 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | libsystemd0_1:250.5-r0.arago7_tisdk_0.4_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | systemd_250.5.bb | |||||
libsystemd-shared | 1:250.5-r0.arago7_tisdk_0.4 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | libsystemd-shared_1:250.5-r0.arago7_tisdk_0.4_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | systemd_250.5.bb | |||||
orc | 0.4.32-r0.54 | BSD-2-Clause & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | orc_0.4.32-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | orc_0.4.32.bb | |||||
orc-dev | 0.4.32-r0.54 | BSD-2-Clause & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | orc-dev_0.4.32-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | orc_0.4.32.bb | |||||
os-release | 1.0-r0.93 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | os-release_1.0-r0.93_all.ipk |
Obtained from | os-release.bb | |||||
packagegroup-arago-base | 1.0-r10_tisdk_0.0 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | packagegroup-arago-base_1.0-r10_tisdk_0.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | packagegroup-arago-base.bb | |||||
optee-os | 4.0.0+git0+2a5b1d1232-r0.12 | BSD-2-Clause | Binary | No | Location | optee-os_4.0.0+git0+2a5b1d1232-r0.12_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | optee-os_3.16.0.bb | |||||
optee-test | 4.0.0+git0+1c3d6be5ea-r0.15 | BSD-2-Clause & GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | optee-test_4.0.0+git0+1c3d6be5ea-r0.15_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | optee-test_3.16.0.bb | |||||
packagegroup-arago-console | 1.0-r14.75 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | packagegroup-arago-console_1.0-r14.75_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | packagegroup-arago-console.bb | |||||
packagegroup-arago-gst | 1.0-r18.75 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | packagegroup-arago-gst_1.0-r18.75_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | packagegroup-arago-gst.bb | |||||
packagegroup-arago-gst-sdk-target | 1.0-r15.75 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | packagegroup-arago-gst-sdk-target_1.0-r15.75_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | packagegroup-arago-gst-sdk-target.bb | |||||
kernel-module-mdio-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-mdio-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-mdio-bcm-unimac-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-mdio-bcm-unimac-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-md-mod-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-md-mod-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-mhi-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-mhi-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-michael-mic-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-michael-mic-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-microchip-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-microchip-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-mlx4-core-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-mlx4-core-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-mlx4-en-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-mlx4-en-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-mlx5-core-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-mlx5-core-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-image-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-image-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-image-fitimage-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-image-fitimage-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-image-image-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-image-image-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-8021q-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-8021q-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-8250-pruss-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-8250-pruss-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-act-csum-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-act-csum-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-act-gact-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-act-gact-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-dwc3-haps-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-dwc3-haps-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-dwc3-keystone-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-dwc3-keystone-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
libloki0.1.7 | 0.1.7-r0.4 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | libloki0.1.7_0.1.7-r0.4_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libloki_0.1.7.bb | |||||
libltdl7 | 2.4.7-r0.184 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | libltdl7_2.4.7-r0.184_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libtool_2.4.7.bb | |||||
liblzma5 | 5.2.6-r0.53 | PD | Binary | No | Location | liblzma5_5.2.6-r0.53_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | xz_5.2.6.bb | |||||
liblzo2-2 | 2.10-r0.184 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | liblzo2-2_2.10-r0.184_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | lzo_2.10.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-bluez | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-bluez_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-bz2 | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-bz2_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-camerabin | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-camerabin_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-closedcaption | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-closedcaption_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-codecalpha | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-codecalpha_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-coloreffects | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-coloreffects_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-pulseaudio | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-pulseaudio_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-replaygain | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-replaygain_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-rtp | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-rtp_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-rtpmanager | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-rtpmanager_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
libatomic-ops | 7.6.14-r0.122 | GPL-2.0-only & MIT | Binary | No | Location | libatomic-ops_7.6.14-r0.122_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libatomic-ops_7.6.14.bb | |||||
libatomic-ops-dev | 7.6.14-r0.122 | GPL-2.0-only & MIT | Binary | No | Location | libatomic-ops-dev_7.6.14-r0.122_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libatomic-ops_7.6.14.bb | |||||
libatopology2 | | LGPL-2.1-only & GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libatopology2_1.2.6.1-r0.52_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | alsa-lib_1.2.6.1.bb | |||||
libatspi0 | 2.42.0-r0.101 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libatspi0_2.42.0-r0.101_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | at-spi2-core_2.42.0.bb | |||||
libattr1 | 2.5.1-r0.188 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libattr1_2.5.1-r0.188_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | attr_2.5.1.bb | |||||
libavahi-client3 | 0.8-r0.292 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libavahi-client3_0.8-r0.292_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | avahi_0.8.bb | |||||
libavahi-common3 | 0.8-r0.292 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libavahi-common3_0.8-r0.292_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | avahi_0.8.bb | |||||
libavahi-core7 | 0.8-r0.292 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libavahi-core7_0.8-r0.292_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | avahi_0.8.bb | |||||
libavahi-glib1 | 0.8-r0.292 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libavahi-glib1_0.8-r0.292_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | avahi_0.8.bb | |||||
libavahi-gobject0 | 0.8-r0.292 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libavahi-gobject0_0.8-r0.292_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | avahi_0.8.bb | |||||
libavcodec59 | 5.0.1-r0.arago0.56 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libavcodec59_5.0.1-r0.arago0.56_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | ffmpeg_5.0.1.bb | |||||
libavdevice59 | 5.0.1-r0.arago0.56 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libavdevice59_5.0.1-r0.arago0.56_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | ffmpeg_5.0.1.bb | |||||
alsa-utils | 1.2.6-r0.113 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | alsa-utils_1.2.6-r0.113_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | alsa-utils_1.2.6.bb | |||||
alsa-utils-iecset | 1.2.6-r0.113 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | alsa-utils-iecset_1.2.6-r0.113_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | alsa-utils_1.2.6.bb | |||||
alsa-utils-midi | 1.2.6-r0.113 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | alsa-utils-midi_1.2.6-r0.113_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | alsa-utils_1.2.6.bb | |||||
alsa-utils-scripts | 1.2.6-r0.118 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | alsa-utils-scripts_1.2.6-r0.118_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | alsa-utils-scripts_1.2.6.bb | |||||
alsa-utils-speakertest | 1.2.6-r0.113 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | alsa-utils-speakertest_1.2.6-r0.113_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | alsa-utils_1.2.6.bb | |||||
amsdk-av-files | 1.4-r2.96 | CC-BY-NC-ND-3.0 & CC-BY-3.0 | Binary | No | Location | amsdk-av-files_1.4-r2.96_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | amsdk-av-files_1.4.bb | |||||
arago-feed-config | 1.0-r1.996 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | arago-feed-config_1.0-r1.996_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | arago-feed-config_1.0.bb | |||||
arago-gpl-notice | 1.0-r3.98 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | arago-gpl-notice_1.0-r3.98_all.ipk |
Obtained from | arago-gpl-notice.bb | |||||
arm-benchmarks | 1.3-r13.193 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | arm-benchmarks_1.3-r13.193_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | arm-benchmarks_1.3.bb | |||||
at | 3.2.5-r0.149 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | at_3.2.5-r0.149_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | at_3.2.5.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-legacyrawparse | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-legacyrawparse_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-meta | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-meta_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
kernel-module-cdc-acm-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-cdc-acm-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-cdc-ether-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-cdc-ether-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-cdc-ncm-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-cdc-ncm-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-cdc-subset-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-cdc-subset-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-cdns3-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-cdns3-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-cdns3-ti-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-cdns3-ti-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-cdns-csi2rx-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-cdns-csi2rx-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-cdns-dphy-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-cdns-dphy-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-cdns-dphy-rx-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-cdns-dphy-rx-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ti-eqep-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ti-eqep-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ti-j721e-cpsw-virt-mac-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ti-j721e-cpsw-virt-mac-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ti-j721e-ufs-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ti-j721e-ufs-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ti-k3-common-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ti-k3-common-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ti-k3-dsp-remoteproc-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ti-k3-dsp-remoteproc-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ti-k3-m4-remoteproc-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ti-k3-m4-remoteproc-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ti-k3-r5-remoteproc-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ti-k3-r5-remoteproc-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ti-sn65dsi86-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ti-sn65dsi86-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ti-tfp410-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ti-tfp410-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
cracklib-dev | 2.9.8-r0.70 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | cracklib-dev_2.9.8-r0.70_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | cracklib_2.9.8.bb | |||||
cronie | 1.6.1-r0.158 | ISC & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-2-Clause & GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | cronie_1.6.1-r0.158_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | cronie_1.6.1.bb | |||||
cryptodev-linux | 1.12-r0.76 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | cryptodev-linux_1.12-r0.76_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | cryptodev-linux_1.12.bb | |||||
cryptodev-linux-dev | 1.12-r0.76 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | cryptodev-linux-dev_1.12-r0.76_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | cryptodev-linux_1.12.bb | |||||
cryptodev-module | 1.12-r0.arago0.434 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | cryptodev-module_1.12-r0.arago0.434_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | cryptodev-module_1.12.bb | |||||
cryptodev-tests | 1.12-r0.64 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | cryptodev-tests_1.12-r0.64_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | cryptodev-tests_1.12.bb | |||||
curl | 7.82.0-r0.59 | curl | Binary | No | Location | curl_7.82.0-r0.59_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | curl_7.82.0.bb | |||||
curl-dev | 7.82.0-r0.59 | curl | Binary | No | Location | curl-dev_7.82.0-r0.59_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | curl_7.82.0.bb | |||||
dbus-1 | 1.14.8-r0.arago1.106 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | dbus-1_1.14.8-r0.arago1.106_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | dbus_1.14.8.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-audioresample | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-audioresample_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-audiotestsrc | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-audiotestsrc_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
ti-rtos-firmware | | TI-TFL | Binary | No | Location | ti-rtos-firmware_08.02.00.04-r4.1.178_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | ti-rtos-firmware.bb | |||||
udev-extraconf | 1.1-r0.115 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | udev-extraconf_1.1-r0.115_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | udev-extraconf_1.1.bb | |||||
udev-hwdb | 1:250.5-r0.arago7_tisdk_0.4 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | udev-hwdb_1:250.5-r0.arago7_tisdk_0.4_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | systemd_250.5.bb | |||||
unzip | 1:6.0-r5.157 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | unzip_1:6.0-r5.157_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | unzip_6.0.bb | |||||
update-alternatives-opkg | 0.5.0-r0.174 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | update-alternatives-opkg_0.5.0-r0.174_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | opkg-utils_0.5.0.bb | |||||
update-rc.d | 0.8-r0.160 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | update-rc.d_0.8-r0.160_all.ipk |
Obtained from | update-rc.d_0.8.bb | |||||
update-rc.d-dev | 0.8-r0.160 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | update-rc.d-dev_0.8-r0.160_all.ipk |
Obtained from | update-rc.d_0.8.bb | |||||
python3-misc | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-misc_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-mmap | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-mmap_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-modules | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-modules_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-multiprocessing | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-multiprocessing_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
util-linux-agetty | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-agetty_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-blkdiscard | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-blkdiscard_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-blkid | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-blkid_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-blkzone | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-blkzone_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
usbutils | 014-r0.119 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | usbutils_014-r0.119_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | usbutils_014.bb | |||||
util-linux-addpart | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-addpart_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-blockdev | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-blockdev_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
packagegroup-arago-qte | 1.0-r16.67 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | packagegroup-arago-qte_1.0-r16.67_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | packagegroup-arago-qte.bb | |||||
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-addons | 1.0-r80_tisdk_2.0 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | packagegroup-arago-tisdk-addons_1.0-r80_tisdk_2.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | packagegroup-arago-tisdk-addons.bb | |||||
python3-numbers | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-numbers_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-numpy | 1.22.3-r0.57 | BSD-3-Clause & BSD-2-Clause & PSF-2.0 & Apache-2.0 & MIT | Binary | No | Location | python3-numpy_1.22.3-r0.57_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3-numpy_1.22.3.bb | |||||
python3-pickle | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-pickle_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-pkgutil | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-pkgutil_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-netclient | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-netclient_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-netserver | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-netserver_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-plistlib | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-plistlib_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-pprint | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-pprint_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-profile | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-profile_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
python3-pycairo | 1.21.0-r0.756 | LGPL-2.1-only & MPL-1.1 | Binary | No | Location | python3-pycairo_1.21.0-r0.756_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3-pycairo_1.21.0.bb | |||||
kernel-module-mpt3sas-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-mpt3sas-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-mrp-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-mrp-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-mt6360-charger-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-mt6360-charger-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-mtd-nandbiterrs-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-mtd-nandbiterrs-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-mtd-nandecctest-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-mtd-nandecctest-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-mtd-oobtest-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-mtd-oobtest-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-mtd-pagetest-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-mtd-pagetest-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-mtd-readtest-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-mtd-readtest-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-mtd-speedtest-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-mtd-speedtest-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-dwc3-of-simple-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-dwc3-of-simple-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-e5010-jpeg-enc-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-e5010-jpeg-enc-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ecb-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ecb-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ecc-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ecc-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ecdh-generic-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ecdh-generic-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-edt-ft5x06-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-edt-ft5x06-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-em-cmp-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-em-cmp-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
libell0 | 0.50-r0.118 | LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | libell0_0.50-r0.118_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | ell_0.50.bb | |||||
libell-dev | 0.50-r0.118 | LGPL-2.1-only | Binary | No | Location | libell-dev_0.50-r0.118_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | ell_0.50.bb | |||||
libepoxy0 | 1.5.10-r0.977 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | libepoxy0_1.5.10-r0.977_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libepoxy_1.5.10.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-rtsp | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-rtsp_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-shapewipe | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-shapewipe_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-smpte | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-smpte_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-soup | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-soup_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-spectrum | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-spectrum_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-speex | 1.20.7-r0.arago0.452 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-speex_1.20.7-r0.arago0.452_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.20.7.bb | |||||
kernel-module-arm-ccn-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-arm-ccn-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-arm-cmn-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-arm-cmn-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-arm-dsu-pmu-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-arm-dsu-pmu-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-phy-qcom-usb-hs-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-phy-qcom-usb-hs-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-plusb-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-plusb-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-pru-rproc-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-pru-rproc-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-pruss-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-pruss-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-psnap-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-psnap-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-pwm-beeper-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-pwm-beeper-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-pwm-bl-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-pwm-bl-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-pwm-fan-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-pwm-fan-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-pwm-omap-dmtimer-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-pwm-omap-dmtimer-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-midi | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-midi_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-mpegpsdemux | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-mpegpsdemux_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-mpegpsmux | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-mpegpsmux_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-mpegtsdemux | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-mpegtsdemux_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-mpegtsmux | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-mpegtsmux_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-mxf | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-mxf_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-netsim | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-netsim_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-pcapparse | 1.20.7-r0.301 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-pcapparse_1.20.7-r0.301_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.20.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-ip6t-dnpt | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-ip6t-dnpt_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-ip6t-dst | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-ip6t-dst_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ip-vs-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ip-vs-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ip-vs-rr-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ip-vs-rr-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-irq-pruss-intc-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-irq-pruss-intc-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-isl29018-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-isl29018-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ite-it66121-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ite-it66121-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-iwldvm-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-iwldvm-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-iwlmvm-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-iwlmvm-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-iwlwifi-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-iwlwifi-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-j721e-csi2rx-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-j721e-csi2rx-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-tps65132-regulator-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-tps65132-regulator-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-tps65219-pwrbutton-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-tps65219-pwrbutton-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-tps6598x-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-tps6598x-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ts-bm-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ts-bm-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ts-fsm-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ts-fsm-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ts-kmp-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ts-kmp-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-tunnel4-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-tunnel4-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-typec-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-typec-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-uacce-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-uacce-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-compositor | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-compositor_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-dev | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-dev_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-encoding | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-encoding_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-gio | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-gio_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-meta | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-meta_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-ogg | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-ogg_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-opengl | 1.20.7-r0.217 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-opengl_1.20.7-r0.217_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.20.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-ipvs | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-ipvs_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-xt-led | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-xt-led_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
util-linux-cal | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-cal_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-cfdisk | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-cfdisk_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-chcpu | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-chcpu_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-chfn | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-chfn_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
python3-pycairo-dev | 1.21.0-r0.756 | LGPL-2.1-only & MPL-1.1 | Binary | No | Location | python3-pycairo-dev_1.21.0-r0.756_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3-pycairo_1.21.0.bb | |||||
python3-pydoc | 3.10.13-r0.8 | PSF-2.0 | Binary | No | Location | python3-pydoc_3.10.13-r0.8_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | python3_3.10.13.bb | |||||
util-linux-chrt | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-chrt_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-chsh | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-chsh_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-col | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-col_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-colcrt | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-colcrt_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-chmem | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-chmem_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-choom | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-choom_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-colrm | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-colrm_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux-column | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux-column_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
util-linux | 2.37.4-r0.54 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-4-Clause | Binary | No | Location | util-linux_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
libtag-dev | 1.12-r0.50 | LGPL-2.1-only or MPL-1.1 | Binary | No | Location | libtag-dev_1.12-r0.50_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | taglib_1.12.bb | |||||
libtcl8.6-0 | 8.6.11-r0.38 | TCL & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libtcl8.6-0_8.6.11-r0.38_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | tcl_8.6.11.bb | |||||
kernel-module-mtd-stresstest-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-mtd-stresstest-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-mtd-subpagetest-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-mtd-subpagetest-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-mtd-torturetest-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-mtd-torturetest-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-mwifiex-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-mwifiex-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-mwifiex-pcie-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-mwifiex-pcie-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-mwifiex-sdio-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-mwifiex-sdio-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-nbd-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-nbd-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-nf-nat-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-nf-nat-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-nf-nat-ftp-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-nf-nat-ftp-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
ffmpeg | 5.0.1-r0.arago0.56 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | ffmpeg_5.0.1-r0.arago0.56_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | ffmpeg_5.0.1.bb | |||||
ffmpeg-dev | 5.0.1-r0.arago0.56 | GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & ISC & MIT & BSD-2-Clause & BSD-3-Clause & IJG | Binary | No | Location | ffmpeg-dev_5.0.1-r0.arago0.56_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | ffmpeg_5.0.1.bb | |||||
file | 5.41-r0.53 | BSD-2-Clause | Binary | No | Location | file_5.41-r0.53_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | file_5.41.bb | |||||
fio | 3.30-r0.52 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | fio_3.30-r0.52_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | fio_3.30.bb | |||||
flac | 1.3.4-r0.53 | GFDL-1.2 & GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | flac_1.3.4-r0.53_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | flac_1.3.4.bb | |||||
flac-dev | 1.3.4-r0.53 | GFDL-1.2 & GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | flac-dev_1.3.4-r0.53_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | flac_1.3.4.bb | |||||
flex | 2.6.4-r0.182 | BSD-3-Clause & LGPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | flex_2.6.4-r0.182_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | flex_2.6.4.bb | |||||
liberation-fonts | 1:2.1.5-r0.88 | OFL-1.1 | Binary | No | Location | liberation-fonts_1:2.1.5-r0.88_all.ipk |
Obtained from | liberation-fonts_2.1.5.bb | |||||
libevdev | 1.12.1-r0.48 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | libevdev_1.12.1-r0.48_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libevdev_1.12.1.bb | |||||
libevent-2.1-7 | 2.1.12-r0.117 | BSD-3-Clause & MIT | Binary | No | Location | libevent-2.1-7_2.1.12-r0.117_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libevent_2.1.12.bb | |||||
libevent-pthreads-2.1-7 | 2.1.12-r0.117 | BSD-3-Clause & MIT | Binary | No | Location | libevent-pthreads-2.1-7_2.1.12-r0.117_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libevent_2.1.12.bb | |||||
libexpat1 | 2.5.0-r0.184 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | libexpat1_2.5.0-r0.184_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | expat_2.5.0.bb | |||||
libexpat-dev | 2.5.0-r0.184 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | libexpat-dev_2.5.0-r0.184_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | expat_2.5.0.bb | |||||
libext2fs2 | 1.46.5-r0.103 | GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.0-only & BSD-3-Clause & MIT | Binary | No | Location | libext2fs2_1.46.5-r0.103_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | e2fsprogs_1.46.5.bb | |||||
libfdisk1 | 2.37.4-r0.54 | LGPL-2.1-or-later | Binary | No | Location | libfdisk1_2.37.4-r0.54_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | util-linux_2.37.4.bb | |||||
libffi8 | 3.4.4-r0.180 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | libffi8_3.4.4-r0.180_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libffi_3.4.4.bb | |||||
libffi-dev | 3.4.4-r0.180 | MIT | Binary | No | Location | libffi-dev_3.4.4-r0.180_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | libffi_3.4.4.bb | |||||
libfl2 | 2.6.4-r0.182 | BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libfl2_2.6.4-r0.182_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | flex_2.6.4.bb | |||||
libflac++6 | 1.3.4-r0.53 | GFDL-1.2 & GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later & BSD-3-Clause | Binary | No | Location | libflac++6_1.3.4-r0.53_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | flac_1.3.4.bb | |||||
kernel-module-arm-spe-pmu-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-arm-spe-pmu-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-asix-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-asix-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-at24-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-at24-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-at25-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-at25-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ath10k-core-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ath10k-core-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-ath10k-pci-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-ath10k-pci-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-gnss-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-gnss-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-gnss-mtk-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-gnss-mtk-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-gnss-serial-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-gnss-serial-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
alsa-state | 0.2.0-r5.arago0.116 | MIT & GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | alsa-state_0.2.0-r5.arago0.116_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | alsa-state.bb | |||||
iptables-module-ip6t-eui64 | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-ip6t-eui64_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-ip6t-frag | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-ip6t-frag_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-ip6t-hbh | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-ip6t-hbh_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-ip6t-hl | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-ip6t-hl_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-ip6t-icmp6 | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-ip6t-icmp6_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-ip6t-ipv6header | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-ip6t-ipv6header_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-ip6t-log | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-ip6t-log_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-ip6t-masquerade | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-ip6t-masquerade_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-ip6t-mh | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-ip6t-mh_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
iptables-module-ip6t-netmap | 1.8.7-r0.58 | GPL-2.0-or-later | Binary | No | Location | iptables-module-ip6t-netmap_1.8.7-r0.58_aarch64.ipk |
Obtained from | iptables_1.8.7.bb | |||||
kernel-module-btrtl-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-btrtl-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-snd-soc-wcd938x-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-snd-soc-wcd938x-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-snd-soc-wcd938x-sdw-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-snd-soc-wcd938x-sdw-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-snd-soc-wcd-mbhc-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-snd-soc-wcd-mbhc-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-snd-soc-wm8524-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-snd-soc-wm8524-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-snd-soc-wm8904-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-snd-soc-wm8904-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-snd-soc-wm8960-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-snd-soc-wm8960-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-snd-soc-wm8962-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-snd-soc-wm8962-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from | linux-ti-staging_6.1.bb | |||||
kernel-module-snd-soc-wm8978-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b | 6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0 | GPL-2.0-only | Binary | No | Location | kernel-module-snd-soc-wm8978-6.1.46-g5892b80d6b_6.1.46+git78+5892b80d6b-r0b.arago5_tisdk_1.0_j7200_evm.ipk |
Obtained from |