8.1 Yocto Build Fix: Post the release of the 8.1 SDK, the open source onnxruntime project has dropped the master branch and switched/renamed it to main. In order to fix this issue, please cherry-pick the following commit to switch the branch names in meta-psdkla: https://git.ti.com/gitweb?p=jacinto-linux/meta-psdkla.git;a=commit;h=f05fe83a81187a5ca9e4d5b9cf05edae786c49ca If further issues arise that are similar to the one listed above, please reference the below FAQ for fixing the issue: https://e2e.ti.com/support/processors-group/processors/f/processors-forum/948986/faq-tda4vm-how-to-resolve-yocto-build-failure-while-trying-to-fetch-repository