SysConfig 1.23.0_4000 Release Notes

Table of Contents


What's new for v1.23.0

v1.23.0 is an update to v1.22.0 which includes:

Device Specific Notes for v1.23.0

Sitara AM62Lx

System Requirements

Installation Instructions

The update can be applied to Code Composer Studion using the "Check for Updates" menu item. The standalone version of SysConfig can be updated by downloading and running the new installer.

Users of the cloud-based tool can browse to and select the SysConfig tile on the portal page.

Getting Started

Software configuration with the SysConfig tool works in conjunction with a TI SDK. To see how this works, it is easiest to start with a CCS installation and an SDK for the device family you are using. Please refer to the device specific documentation included in the SDK for your device family. In general, you would start by importing an example from the SDK and open the the .syscfg file within CCS.

SysConfig may also be used as a low-level pinmux configuration tool. In this use case, you can start with the standalone SysConfig installer. Start the tool, please select the device, part, and package you are working with. You do not need to select a software product (IE SDK) unless you are using the tool for software configuration.

Importing TI PinMux Tool Projects

The SysConfig tool can open existing TI PinMux tool projects and convert these projects to the new .syscfg file format. Once converted, the project can only be saved in the new .syscfg file format.

Previous releases

All released versions and download links are available HERE.