Manifest template 1.0
This template is used to generate A PLAIN TEXT Uploadable manifest for SRAS.
Table Instructions:
Define what you are delivering by filling in the table below. Tables start with the start keyword
end with the end keyword,
and may also contain footnotes specific to that table.
You can have as many “Public” tables as you like in your manifest and can name them. You can have one and only one “Private” table.
To create additional tables copy everything starting with and then paste it after the table below.
The field “attribute =” can be set to Public (the default) or Private to define the type of table it is. If the table is Public then
everything in the table will appear on your manifest. If the table is Private then none of the entries will appear on your manifest
but they will be stored in the SRAS. Private tables are useful for documenting third party code, that requires Legal review, but does
not need to be acknowledged on the manifest you ship; e.g. it may be covered by our TI license.
The field “name = “ is used to put a heading over the table on the manifest you ship.
The field “description =” is used to put a description under the Table name on the manifest you ship.
To learn how to document software in the table read the instructions here. A brief explanation of the table columns follows.
License Type - If its an SPDX defined license use their short name identifier. You can see a list here: http://spdx.org/licenses/ . If
it’s not on the list and not a commercial or TSPA license then use the application name as the license.
Delivered As - This field will either be “Source”, “Binary” or “Source and Binary” and is the form the content of the Software is
delivered in. If the Software is delivered in an archive format, this field applies to the contents of the archive. If the word
Limited is used with Source, as in “Limited Source” or “Limited Source and Binary” then only portions of the Source for the
application are provided.
Modified by TI - This field will either be “Yes” or “No”. A “Yes” means TI has made changes to the Software. A “No” means TI
has not made any changes. Note: This field is not applicable for Software “Obtained from” TI.
Location - The directory name and path on the media, e.g. drive, (or in an archive) where the Software is located after
installing or extracting.
Obtained From - This field specifies from where or from whom TI obtained the Software. It may be a URL to an Open Source site,
a 3rd party licensor, or TI (if TI developed the software). See Links Disclaimer in the Disclaimers Section.
Version = “1.0”
Sep = “|”
<-- ** Do not edit or remove anything above this line **
DO NOT Alter the column headings below. The order is extremely important; if you change the order or add or
remove a column the upload will not work. When adding a row to the table below you must account for each column.
If a column does not have a value add it, but leave it blank. Each column should appear on its own line and start
with the | character.
Here is an example row for a BSD application written by TI:
| 1.02.00
| BSD-3-Clause
| Source
| N/A
| [as installed]/*
| Texas Instruments
attribute = “Public”
name = “Manifest Table”
description = “See the Legend above for a description of these columns.”
| 1.01.00
| Source & Binary
| N/A
| [as installed]/source/ti/motor_control_pmsm_foc/*
<-- Instructions: Use this section to place footnotes you may have for the table above or just any notes in general. To do a footnote DO NOT use the Microsoft word footnote capability. Instead use an old fashioned (number), e.g. (1) in the table above. All notes must between the Footnotes … footnotes block. Anything outside of this will not work. Do not remove this text. It will not appear on your manifest..-->
<-- Instructions: Some open source licenses may require a specific credit or attribution in product documentation. Those credits should be listed here and all credits should fit between the Credits … credit block. Anything outside of this will not work. Do not remove this text. It will not appear on your manifest. -->
<-- Instructions: Place a unique copy of each Open Source license referenced in the table above here and any OSS licenses that require attribution. All license text should fit between the Licenses …licenses block. Anything outside of this will not work. Do not remove this text. It will not appear on your manifest. -->