
Example Summary

This code includes many functions for using the different commands for the BQ7690x family, shows how to configure the device settings, and demonstrates a simple measurement loop. The code then continuously flashes the LP-MSPM0L1306 on-board LED to show the code completion.

LP-MSPM0L1306 Pin Connections

Connection description: The I2C SCL and SDA pins are the only pin connections required between the MSPM0 board and the BQ7690x for this demo code. Also a ground connection should be made between the 2 devices.

                         /|\ /|\
     MSPM0             5k |   |
     -----------------    |  5k
    |             PA1 |---+---|-- I2C Clock (SCL)
    |                 |       |
    |             PA0 |-------+-- I2C Data (SDA)
    |                 |
 ---| P           GND |---------- Common GND
    |                 |
 ---| P               |
    |                 |
 ---| P               |
    |                 |

Visit LP_MSPM0L1306 for LaunchPad information, including user guide and hardware files.

BQ7690x/BQ76907EVM Pin Connections

Connection description: The I2C SCL and SDA pins are the only pin connections required between the MSPM0 board and the BQ7690x for this demo code. Also a ground connection should be made between the 2 devices.

                         /|\ /|\
     BQ7690x           5k |   |
     -----------------    |  5k
    |         SCL(12) |---+---|-- I2C Clock (SCL) ---> to MSPM0 PA1
    |                 |       |
    |         SDA(13) |-------+-- I2C Data (SDA)  ---> to MSPM0 PA0
    |                 |
    |         VSS(11) |---------- Common GND      ---> to MSPM0 GND
    |                 |
    |                 |
    |                 |
    |                 |
    |                 |

                         /|\ /|\
     BQ76907EVM        5k |   |
     -----------------    |  5k
    |       SCL(J4-2) |---+---|-- I2C Clock (SCL) ---> to MSPM0 PA1
    |                 |       |
    |       SDA(J4-3) |-------+-- I2C Data (SDA)  ---> to MSPM0 PA0
    |                 |
    |       VSS(J4-1) |---------- Common GND      ---> to MSPM0 GND
    |                 |
    |                 |
    |                 |
    |                 |
    |                 |

The I2C Clock and I2C Data lines should both have one pull-up on each line. The BQ76907EVM includes pullups to REGOUT which can be enabled by installing shunts J1 and J5 on the BQ76907EVM, marked Pullups to REGOUT. The LP-MSPM0L1306 board also includes 5V and 3V pullup shunts located at J9 and J10 on the LP-MSPM0L1306 board.

Visit BQ76907 for device information, including user guide and hardware files.

Low-Power Recommendations

TI recommends to terminate unused pins by setting the corresponding functions to GPIO and configure the pins to output low or input with internal pullup/pulldown resistor.

SysConfig allows developers to easily configure unused pins by selecting BoardConfigure Unused Pins.

For more information about jumper configuration to achieve low-power using the MSPM0 LaunchPad, please visit the LP-MSPM0L1306 User's Guide.